Kids’ News

This week, we talked about how God is creative and how we are God’s masterpiece, created in Jesus Christ to do good things. Psalm 139:1-18 teaches us that God made each of us unique and special.

This scripture brings comfort and peace as it helps us understand how deeply we are known and loved by God. It reminds us that we are created with care and purpose, and that we are wonderfully made. The psalm describes how God has been involved in our lives since the very beginning, and how He is always with us, guiding and loving us every step of the way.

Even in difficult times or when we feel scared, we can remember this psalm and be reassured that God is always with us, and His love never fails. Let’s carry these powerful words with us as a reminder of our value and God’s never-ending love.

Join us this Sunday as we continue to explore the meaning of this psalm and how it applies to our lives.


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