Max’s Corner

Choir Practice Resumed

The choir will look bigger this Sunday because it is! There are three new members!

The choir enjoyed lunch together at the Dixie House after church last Sunday.

They will grace us with their first anthem of the new church year this Sunday: Fairest Lord Jesus.

Expect some lovely singing.

NDE Class

We have two more sessions—this Sunday and the next. (There will be additional classes later when the room is prepared for showing a couple of NDE videos.)

When my sister’s class ends, I will begin a study of my book, Discovering God. So, we will continue lessons at the same time each week.

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

Winston provided a beautiful breakfast last week. This week, it is a “We-Bring” Sunday. It’s up to us eaters. Feel free to help. We serve a lot of people each Sunday.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

Mary will not be with us. She will be in New York to perform the memorial service for John McCormick, a member of St. Matthew and a dear friend of Mary’s who knew her before he came to the church. John was around 90 at his passing and lived in another state. The flowers will be in his memory this Sunday.

Sermon this Sunday: What We Got Wrong about Salvation. We should not have gotten it wrong because Jesus always had it right.

Jesus always gets God right.

Things are going well in our church, but we are burdened by the illness of beloved members. Keep our sick fold in your prayers.

I would rejoice to see you Sunday.

God bless,

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