The Lies Must Stop

Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, live in fear now. They keep their kids home from school.

Some schools are closed, as are businesses, because of bomb threats.

These immigrants were invited here to fill factory jobs. One boss said they are hard-working and dependable.

Their lives have become a nightmare, and the town is in chaos.

We heard it first at the debate. It sounded funny, indeed, ridiculous: Haitian immigrants are stealing people’s cats and dogs and eating them.

It sounded crazy.

It was crazy.

But they keep repeating the lie. The leaders of the Orange Cult keep the lie going.

They know it’s a lie.

They know it is hurting people—innocent people, including children.

Ah! But these are Black people. Black children.

So, the leaders of the Orange Cult just do not care. Certainly, the Orange Man himself cares about no one but himself.

But what about his followers? What about the many Christians who have gone orange?

It is pure evil to deliberately hurt innocent people, to promote a lie that makes families hide in fear.

Do Christians who have fallen into the cult not care? Can they no longer tell the difference between good and evil?

I think much of the church has failed. It has harbored racism, debased women, and ostracized gay people.

Much of the church does not teach the inclusive love of Jesus Christ. This leaves people vulnerable.

“If we stand for nothing, we will fall for anything.”

The lies must stop.

People are being hurt.

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