Max’s Corner

The Passing of Bill Parker

Bill passed last Saturday. He was 78 and a vital and beloved member of this church. He will be greatly missed. Our love goes out to Linda and their sons. The memorial service will be held after the cremains are available. Bill moves on with his life. Thanks be to God.

Choir Sings

And they sang beautifully, too. We welcome the three new members. The anthem this Sunday is called Mercy.

Chuy from 4Stage, the company that does our lights/sound work, arranged our microphones for us. So—the recording of the anthem was better than ever.

NDE Class Ends

This is the last Sunday. We will be answering questions that have grown from our study of NDEs this Sunday—some of the “big questions” that most Christians have. (For example, “What happens to children who are stillborn or who die very young?”) We welcome guests for this session, even if you have not attended before.

When my sister’s class ends, I will begin a study of my book, Discovering God. So, we will continue lessons at the same time each week.

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

This week is another “We-Bring.” It’s up to us eaters. Feel free to help. We serve a lot of people each Sunday.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

I wrote about this recently. Now I am preaching about it: Does God Get Angry?

How do we deal with Paul’s words about “the wrath of God”? Where does Jesus stand on this?

I would rejoice to see you in worship.

God Bless,

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