New Study of Book

Have you ever had an encounter with God?

A “religious experience” of any kind?

And if you have, were you afraid to tell anyone for fear they would think you are crazy?

You are about to have a place to share your experiences, if you choose to do so.

And if you have never had such an experience, it will be a place for you to hear the accounts of others.

For everyone, it will be a place to discover that God is real and that God is at work in our lives (whether we are aware of that reality or not).

My last study of my book, Discovering God, before publication will begin on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 9:45.

It will meet weekly at that hour for the rest of this year. (And breakfast will follow the class each Sunday.)

Be prepared for a life-changing study.

We have found, with our recent class on NDEs, that faith is deepened when we talk about the most profound experiences of life.

And our reading of scripture is enriched.

If you have never had a “religious experience,” you may come to see more clearly through this study that God has always been at work in your life.

Your participation in the class will be a big help to me. I will use this class to develop the study guide which will be published along with the book.

It may even add material. Members of the NDE class have shared accounts that will end up in Discovering God.

I’d like to have a skeptic or two show up—even an atheist.

I think no one can resist the evidence. God loves us and works in our lives.

Sunday, Oct. 6, 9:45.

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