Mary’s Corner

Greetings, dear church, on behalf of the Horizon Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church,

Great things are happening in our denomination, and I am excited to be a part of this ministry with you. The leadership of the conference has very specific strategic plans for our work together in the future. I will have more details about all of these in upcoming sermons. As I said on Sunday morning, being in the Abilene Convention Center and listening to a 1,000-voice choir of committed United Methodist believers in Jesus Christ lifted my soul to the rafters. I know that God will do great things in our lives as we serve God’s creation.

On Sunday morning, I also discussed the new air conditioning unit and the cost to our congregation for the comfort of a controlled temperature in our sanctuary. Once again, you have amazed me with your love and generosity. We received a donation of $10,000 toward the cost of the new unit! Without revealing the donor, let me just say that nowhere on earth are there folks like the ones we have at Saint Matthew. You are always willing to help, no matter the request. To you, dear donor, whoever you are, just know that you are God’s gift to us, and we are grateful for your generosity. There remains a balance on the cost of the AC, but this very generous gift pays a little more than half of what was due. Bless you all as you continue giving your gifts, tithes, talents, and time to God.

Preparations are in progress and moving along well as we plan for the celebration of life for William J. “Bill” Parker. Services are on October 5, 2024, at 11:00 AM. The service will be followed by a meal in the fellowship hall. We will need desserts, please, as we expect a large crowd. We will also need assistance setting up, serving the food, and, as always, lots of help cleaning up.

Blessings to all of you, and special blessings to those of you who are unable to be physically in the church. You are loved and missed.


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