Kids’ News: Abraham’s Journey

We were so happy to have a wonderful group of children for Children’s Church this week! We learned about God’s promise to Abraham. God appeared to Abraham and told him to pack up his family and belongings to travel to a new land. This wasn’t Abraham’s first move, as earlier in Genesis, we learn he had attempted to journey to Canaan before but settled in Haran. Now, God was calling Abraham to finally finish his journey to Canaan—a journey that required a lot of trust.

At 75 years old, Abraham obeyed God and left his home with his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot, and all their belongings. Along the way, God promised to give the land to Abraham’s descendants. Can you imagine being 75 and gathering up all your animals and possessions to travel by foot to a new country? Abraham even built an altar to worship God along the way. We have so much more to learn, and we’re so glad you’re bringing your kids to church!

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