Lord, Save Us

It’s on our minds—here, four days before.
The great Carl Jung, noted psychiatrist, said that, in a crisis, we could depend on only 40 percent of the population to act rationally.
We know already that 46 percent of Americans will not act rationally. They support someone who is clearly racist, vengeful, and cruel.
They have made a firm commitment to values that are nowhere close to Christian.

I used to think we were getting better. I thought people had become less racist, less ugly to the neighbor.
Now, I don’t know.
We may be worse.

There was a time when anyone who admired Hitler would not be considered for any job.
Now, 46 percent of our people don’t seem to care.
And here’s the sad thing:
Most of those people go by the name Christian.

That would suggest to us that something is seriously wrong in the church.
Not in all churches—but in many churches, even in whole denominations.

We need an explanation.
We need to figure out why so many Christians are so accepting of racism, vengeance, and cruelty.
And I do think I know. God, in the Old Testament, is often pictured as racist, vengeful, and cruel.

And for the biblical inerrantists, all scripture is equal. They feel free to choose that vengeful image of God over the God of grace we have in Jesus.
The Gospel has no priority at all with many Christians.
They think God hated the Amalekites, so they can hate immigrants.

Lord, save us.

One thought on “Lord, Save Us

  1. I saw Isabel Wilkerson interviewed abut her book CASTE. She says our divisions are all about which caste people identify with, regardless of how pathetic their candidate may be.

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