Max’s Corner

Saturday’s Concert

THIS Saturday—at 6:00 p.m.

Sandwich supper afterward.

Some of you will need to help with sandwiches or actually anything that would go with sandwiches—beans, potato salad, whatever. (We have chips.)

It’s been a hard season lately. Let’s have some fun. Mel Creason, Blake, Shannon, and Julian will all be singing. We will take an offering to help with our budget.

Let’s gather—Saturday at 6:00.

The Class—Discovering God

We truly are learning things we have not known. And the class gives us time to look carefully at what God is saying to us through experience. We have had some quite remarkable sessions.

You are welcome at any time.

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

This is a “Winston” Sunday. Expect a really good meal. You are also free to bring food.

Food and fellowship at 10:30, followed by worship.

This Sunday

The sermon Sunday: Trust God.

I hope Blake is feeling better. Our choir may (or may not) be singing Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. And hear this, choir: Blake wants to begin rehearsal this week at 9:00 to make up some lost time.

God Bless,

P.S.—Got a nice e-mail from the president of Brite Divinity School in response to a recent Friday’s Word. I will share it with you Sunday.

And remember our big Thanksgiving service and dinner on Sunday, Nov. 24—a week from this Sunday.