Kids’ News

This week, we learned about a widow who was facing a difficult situation. After her husband passed away, she was left with two sons and a lot of debt. The creditors came and threatened to take her sons as servants to repay the money. In her desperation, she turned to the prophet Elisha for help.

Elisha asked her what she had in her house, and she said she only had a small jar of oil. Elisha told her to send her sons to borrow as many empty jars as they could from their neighbors. Then, he instructed her to go inside, shut the door with her sons, and start pouring oil into the jars. Amazingly, the oil kept flowing until every jar was full! Once all the jars were filled, the oil stopped. Elisha told her to sell the oil to pay off her debts, and there was even enough left over for her and her sons to live on.

This story reminds us that God can take even the smallest things we have and turn them into something amazing if we trust Him.

We hope to see all our kids back at church soon! We’re excited to start working on a Christmas program—and maybe even convince Santa to pay us a visit! Bring your kids to church this Sunday. Blessings!