Max’s Corner

Please remember this: The number is 10.

Thanksgiving Worship

This Sunday will be Christ the King Sunday as well as our Thanksgiving Service—a double celebration and always a big deal!

We are providing the meal—thanks to those who signed up and anyone else who wants to help. The menu includes both turkey and ham, so any side dishes that go with those will be perfect.

BUT—you do not have to bring anything to eat.

What we really want is for all of you to join us for both worship and dinner.

The Class—Discovering God

This week’s topic is conversion experiences. You’re welcome to join at any time.

• Class starts at 9:45 AM.

• Light breakfast will follow.

Speaking of Breakfast

This Sunday, we’ll enjoy a light breakfast of pigs-in-a-blanket and donuts, with orange juice and coffee available. To keep things organized, the breakfast table will be at the south end of the fellowship hall to avoid interfering with dinner preparations.

• Food and fellowship: 10:30 AM

• Worship: After breakfast

• Thanksgiving dinner: Following worship

Christmas Schedule

Christmas Concert: Saturday, Dec. 21, at 6:00 PM. This will also include our Christmas dinner and a visit from Santa for the kids!

Open House at the Brennans: Sunday, Dec. 15, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.

Advent begins the first Sunday after Thanksgiving, with Mary preaching that day.

God Bless,


The number is 10. Can you remember that this Sunday? I’ll ask for a show of hands from those who know it. The number is 10.