In the midst of the disaster that has come upon us, there are some things we must remember.
This is still God’s world.
And God, too, has intentions for us as individuals and for the world.
And God does intervene.
I cannot talk of God’s grand design. But I know a thousand stories of God’s intervention in individual lives.
This is from Rosemary Thornton, author of Remembering the Light.
One night when I was 22, I was driving on a dark road with a light rain falling. Visibility was poor.
I had an old car, and the defroster didn’t work too well.
I wasn’t going very fast, but I heard a voice urgently demand that I stop the car.
I ignored it at first.
But the second time, the voice was yelling and said, “Stop the car now!”
I didn’t know what was happening, but I slammed on the brakes. The car stopped immediately.
I put it in park and exited the vehicle. Less than two feet in front of the car stood a tiny toddler in only a diaper and looking very frightened.
I scooped him up in my arms and moved to the side of the road and stood in the rain, holding him close as I figured out what to do next.
Rosemary says that’s when the child’s mother ran from a nearby house, screaming and crying. She had fallen asleep on the couch and awoke to find her baby gone.
God, too, has intentions.
God does intervene to work God’s will.
We are, at all times, loved, watched over, cared for. That’s my comfort in hard times. Be encouraged.
Trust God.