Mary’s Room

Happy Thanksgiving, friends and family of Saint Matthew!

I want to dedicate this letter to expressing my gratitude. Every week for the past six years, I’ve written a newsletter article. I may have missed one or two for vacation, but otherwise, I’ve consistently shared my thoughts, requests, and updates with you. However, I don’t recall ever taking an entire newsletter to tell you how truly grateful I am for you. Words cannot adequately convey my gratitude, but not having the perfect words has never stopped me before!

I’m grateful for the children in our congregation—the ones who show up every Sunday, those who come for holidays or special weekends with their grandparents, and even those I’ve never met but hear you lovingly talk about. I pray God’s love and protection over their lives.

I’m also grateful for our young people—those between the ages of 18 and 40. I know that’s a broad range, but you are few in number. I deeply appreciate your commitment to our congregation, your love for the people who brought you here, and your willingness to keep believing in the church when so many in your generation have walked away. Saint Matthew is blessed to have you.

To those in your 40s and 50s, I’m thankful for the responsibilities you’ve taken on as volunteers. If you’re serving on staff, I’m especially grateful. The demands are significant, and the compensation doesn’t always match the workload. Your servant’s heart is evident, and I thank God for your dedication.

To those in your 60s, thank you for your continued hard work and your determination to keep pace with the younger generations while gracefully navigating the realities of aging. Your love for God fuels your efforts, and your hearts remain young and vibrant.

To those in your 70s and 80s—the majority of our congregation—I’m inspired by your unwavering participation in the life and work of our church. Your hearts are full of love and commitment, regardless of your physical age.

As I looked around at lunch on Sunday, I thought about those who are no longer with us. I offered a prayer of thanks for their lives while missing them deeply. I imagine the heavenly Thanksgiving feast they’re enjoying now. I also looked around the room at so many of you who are devoted to this church and its mission. Your dedication, love, prayers, and time spent volunteering are gifts I treasure.

Most of all, I’m grateful that, despite my many shortcomings, you love me anyway. I know I don’t always say the right thing or remember everything I should, but you’ve taken great care of me and my family. You are my church home, and for that, I am forever thankful.

Peace, blessings, and all my love,

P.S. Shout out to Mark Eley, who has joined the ranks of those with prosthetic joints—a prestigious club. Welcome, Mark! And a special shout out to Connie, who has joined the esteemed group of spouses turned caregivers. Continued prayers for healing and comfort for you both.


Eastside Community Assistance Candlelight Dinner
December 3 at Saint Rita’s Catholic Church

Saint Matthew’s Annual Enchilada Dinner Fundraiser for Eastside Ministry
December 13, Friday, at 6 PM
Plates are $12 each or $20 per couple. Please sign up or text/email me if you plan to attend.