Max’s Corner

Please remember this. I will ask you this Sunday.
The number is 10.


Yes—the four-week countdown to Christmas begins this Sunday. The colors go all purple, and the music gets sweet and tender—all for the Baby Jesus. Mary will preach on Advent 1.

We will light that first candle.

The Class—Discovering God

Did you see my little article this week on God’s intervention in our lives? That was a voice from an unseen presence. But what about physical interventions in the created order? That’s what we will talk about in class this week. Should be interesting.

Class at 9:45—breakfast after.

Speaking of Breakfast

Yep—Winston is up to bat this week. (Bring something if you wish.)

Food and fellowship at 10:30, followed by worship.

Christmas Schedule

I’m working to get ready for our Christmas Open House at my place on Sunday, Dec. 15. We’ve had some badly needed work done recently, so the house is a mess. That has got to change pretty quickly. And I will need to get my tree up earlier than usual.

+++ We will need some of you to help with the refreshments. +++

The purpose of this event is just to give us a time of Christmas fellowship. And you may find the house interesting. Everything in it is pretty old—including me.

That’s from 2:00 to 5:00 on December 15.

Our Christmas concert is late this year due to our singers’ schedules: Saturday, Dec. 21, at 6:00 p.m.

But!!—you will be glad to hear, Christmas Eve remains on the 24th. Some things do NOT change. That’s also at 6:00 p.m.

God Bless,