Mary’s Room

Blessings to you in the name of the risen Christ. What a joy it was on Sunday to be covered by the rains from heaven. In many parts of the Metroplex, the rainfall total for October was zero. We made up for that on Sunday and Monday, and I’m grateful to God for the life-giving rain. I think about the time between rainfall events in our neighborhood—one day stretching into the next, living with a heat that is not normal for October, accompanied by the beautiful sunshine we all need. It brings to mind those dry places in my spirit when I cannot feel, smell, or hear God. It makes me think about the moments when I struggle with my own faith and my understanding of who I am as a follower of Jesus Christ. And then, the rainfall reminds me of what a glorious thing it is when God “rains” into our souls. The sound of God’s love rushing back into my heart, like a mighty clap of thunder, so loud I am driven to my knees. The smell of the earth, God’s creation, soaked in water, created in Spirit. The feeling of being God’s beloved that floods my heart, overflowing the curbs of my soul. I am thankful for this week’s rain and blessed beyond measure to be a child of the Creator.

We have a busy month ahead. We continue to collect feminine hygiene products for our sisters experiencing homelessness. Please bring what you can by Sunday, November 10. The women’s group will assemble the bags at their luncheon on Thursday, November 14. We are also collecting new and very gently used children’s coats for Bill J. Elliott Elementary School. We will collect these coats until November 17. Please see Connie Michael if you have questions. Donated coats are currently being stored in Miss Sue and Miss Vickey’s Sunday school class. Also, in November, we will have a Saturday night concert and a Sunday after-church Thanksgiving dinner. I refer you to the calendar in the church hallway for the dates of the concert and Thanksgiving dinner. I announced the wrong dates on Sunday and, as a result, have retired from announcing dates.

I want to say a special thanks to Scott and Kay Ryan for the beautiful rendering of our church’s namesake, St. Matthew. It is hanging proudly in the hallway between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. Thank you, Scott and Kay, for the lovely gift to our congregation.

December 1, 2024, is the first Sunday of Advent. It may seem early to announce Advent before we have celebrated Thanksgiving, but I am asking for your prayers for this season at Saint Matthew. I am praying specifically for God to do something amazing. I am asking God to do something so incredible that we will stop in our tracks, look skyward, and shout glory to God’s name. I pray for each of you, that the baby Jesus shows up in a deeper, more spiritual way than ever before. I also know this will be a very difficult holiday season for many of you. I pray for those of us who have lost loved ones over the last few years, those who were vitally important in our lives. It is difficult to live in the bittersweet space between celebrating the arrival of the Christ child and living with the loneliness and heartbreak of losing someone we love. We will do some special things this year to honor both worlds. More to come on the plans for Advent 2024 at Saint Matthew UMC.

My love to you all,

Kids’ News

This week, we learned about how God provided for the Israelites on their long journey out of Egypt. After more than 400 years of slavery, the Israelites were finally free! They traveled out of Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and found themselves in the wilderness. In this desert, there was little food or water, and soon the people became anxious. They started to complain, even wishing they could go back to Egypt.

But God heard their worries and took care of them. In the evenings, God sent quail for them to eat, and in the mornings, He provided manna—bread from heaven. God gave them just what they needed, but no more; any leftovers spoiled by the next day. This was a way for God to teach them to trust Him each day.

This story reminds us of how God provides for us, even when we’re uncertain. It also shows us the importance of being grateful and not taking things for granted. Sometimes, we may feel we don’t have enough or wish for more, but God invites us to trust in His daily care.

On a fun note—did you see last week’s announcement that we’re hoping for a visit from Santa at our church? He’s trying to fit us into his busy schedule and is penciling us in for December 15 after lunch. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer. Looking forward to seeing you in church on Sunday!

Joy That Lasts: Finding Faith and Fulfillment

Watch the full service on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

John 15:5-11 New International Version

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.