Friday’s Word – It’s a New Year

Only 69% of Americans say they are Christian. Five percent are agnostic, 4% atheist, and 17% “nothing in particular.”

When belief was common, there was a lot of pressure to believe. Now, the pressure is off.

Truth is, many people simply don’t know what they believe and don’t trust the church to help them decide.

Have you decided what you believe?

Have you?

In the first articles of the new year, I will be pushing you to decide—beginning with a story I have told many times.

(Stick with me here.)

When I was 14, God spoke to me. (Do you believe that’s possible?)

I went to bed depressed and, it seems, a bit surly.

I prayed as I did every night, but then mumbled to myself, “Nobody heard me”—my first expression of doubt ever.

But my statement of doubt was followed by a response.

Immediately, a voice replied, “I heard you.”

The voice sounded in my head, but I looked around the room for the source.

Nobody there but me.

The voice was clear. I had no question about it. It shook me up at first. But then I felt the wonder of it.

I prayed. God answered.

In first person singular: “I heard you.”

But now, I want to know what you think. There are only three options. E-mail me with your choice.

You would say to me:

  1. You are lying.
  2. You are mistaken.
  3. I believe you.

Be honest. Respond right now. I will give the results next week.

Please know, if you choose number 3, the implications are huge.

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