Mary’s Corner

Hello, dear church family, and the sacred body of Christ,

I have been busy studying and preparing for my ordination interview next Tuesday. Our ordination class has been blessed with wisdom, advice, and prayers from members of the Board of Ordained Ministry, who have guided us through this process. Their support has made me feel much more confident going into this year’s interview compared to last year.

On Sunday, I visited Patsy Reeves. Other than a few stitches to her head and a broken collarbone, she was in good spirits and not in much pain. She sends her love and well wishes to everyone.

I also spoke with Bruce Butterfield, Keith’s son. There is a room available at Parkwood where we could gather to celebrate Keith’s birthday. I’m hoping to do something after church this Sunday around 2:00 PM. Since space is limited, we’ll need to take turns spending time with Keith. If you’d like to participate, please let me know by email, text, or in person at church this Sunday.

My love to all of you. Step outside and enjoy the weather—they say another cold front is on the way!


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