Max’s Corner

The Big Birthday

Nineteen St. Matthew people gathered at the care facility for Keith Butterfield’s 98th birthday celebration. And Keith was better—able to respond to others and enjoy his cake. We give thanks.

Discovering God Class

Last week, we hit the most challenging section of the book. I will continue this week discussing why science and religion are simply two roads to the same reality.

We will look at three more very strange experiences, including that of a man who saw what would have happened if he had died—something like George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life.

At 9:45 AM. Join any time. Breakfast after.

Breakfast This Sunday

This Sunday, Joe and Jo Christian Adams will be doing the breakfast. (We thank them muchly.) Feel free to help.

Come—10:30 AM—eat!

I Get the Stronger Shots—

—in my knees—this Friday. So, Sunday, you can watch me run down the aisle.

Don’t I wish.

This Sunday

Sermon: Life is Difficult—but Grace Is Sufficient.

I’m loving talking about Paul. Last week, we saw the rough stuff he went through. This week, we find out how he made it.

Last week, Blake sang. I loved the way he built and built the drama—and the volume.

This week, the choir sings Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. (Yes, the choir is back after break!)

We had just one short of 70 last week—69.

This week, let’s see if we can hit that 70 mark.

📢 On any Sunday before Easter that we hit 70, we will close with Victory in Jesus.

God Bless,


P.S. — The Rev. Beverly Tye will preach a week from this Sunday—February 16.

Then Mary on the 23rd. Then me on March 2, Transfiguration Sunday.

Ash Wednesday is March 5. We will have a sandwich supper at 6:00 PM before the Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 PM.

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