Friday’s Word: Some Have Gone to the Dark Side

The lies are clearly lies. There is no effort to make the lies sound true.

The leader of The Dark Side once said, “Nothing you say has to be true. If you say it, people will believe it.”

Nor is there any attempt to hide the evil: cancer research ended, food withheld from children, and medicine for HIV patients stopped.

The poor will be poorer. Millions of people may die.

And democracy, “the great experiment,” the dream of our founding fathers, may be over.

Yet the latest poll says that 53% of Americans are all for it.

That tells us something.

The great Carl Jung said that, in a crisis, you can depend on only 40% of people to act rationally.

A study has shown that, on the other end, 40% will act selfishly and without compassion.

That leaves 20% in the middle who can swing either way.

So, there is no “moral majority.” There is only a moral minority.

Democracy is always up against these numbers.

And so is the church.

And, sadly, much of the church is in the morally confused category.

The firm moral standard of unconditional love, which Jesus preached, is not popular with many Christians.

Jesus is not popular.

Someone checked the sermons of Rev. Jerry Falwell over 10 years; 93% were based on Old Testament scripture.

Not much talk of Jesus.

So, no wonder! We see why so many conservative Christians have gone to the Dark Side.

They don’t hear much about the Light.

Max’s Corner

The Big News

Rev. Beverly Tye will be preaching for us this Sunday. Expect a great service!

Beverly is also giving the devotional at the Women’s Luncheon this Thursday at 11:30 AM in the fellowship hall. Lunch will be followed by a special program.

Discovering God Class

We will consider a remarkable experience this Sunday—one that is hard to believe and unlike anything most people have ever heard.

If it happened (and it did), then God is real and does intervene in our lives in very dramatic ways.

Join us at 9:45 AM—breakfast afterward!

Breakfast This Sunday

This is a “Winston Sunday.” Feel free to help!

Breakfast is at 10:30 AM.

Sound Repair

Our in-house sound was out last week, and I had to “push it” while preaching. I don’t want Beverly to have to do that!

Chuy from Stage4 will be at the church Wednesday at 5:00 PM for repairs.

We also have a new project for him: moving Jason and Robert out of the small, hot “media loft” at the back of the sanctuary. The plan is to relocate all sound equipment to a booth on the floor, which may require building a new sound booth.

Jason and I will meet with Chuy on Wednesday to discuss it.

Attendance & Giving

We had 58 in attendance last Sunday—still aiming for 70!

Here’s some good news: Giving was up substantially in 2024 compared to 2023. This made life much easier for us last year.

We are grateful for our faithful church—and for the Lord who leads us.

Ash Wednesday – March 5

Lent begins soon. Our Ash Wednesday service will focus on music and prayer.

We will have a sandwich supper at 6:00 PM, followed by the service at 6:30 PM.

Let this service be important to you.

See you Sunday!

God Bless,


Mary’s Corner

Greetings Dear Family,

Please accept this poem by Ullie Kaye.

you see, i already know the ending. good wins. peace prevails. the dragon is slayed and the sword is raised. but first we must go through the part of the story where the plot has not yet twisted. the battle is not yet won. the storm is raging. the tower is locked. the apple is poisoned. the wolf is ready and waiting in bed, wearing grandmother’s clothing. but i already know the ending. i already know the ending.

Praise God we do know the ending. Life wins over death, good always prevails over evil, and the light will never be overcome by darkness. I am grateful to be in ministry with you—grateful for the love and support you show me. I am so very grateful to be growing closer to God and walking the road to sanctification, also known as holiness, with all of you.

Don’t forget the Women’s Luncheon on Thursday, the 13th, at 11:30 AM. Lunch is included, along with a great testimony from Rev. Beverly Tye and a word from our friends at the American Cancer Society.

My love to all of you. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

– Mary

Kids’ News

Last week, we learned about a time when Jesus visited the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary.

When Jesus arrived, Martha welcomed Him as a guest and got busy preparing everything. Hospitality was important in biblical times, and she wanted everything to be just right. But her sister Mary did something unexpected—she sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to His teaching instead of helping.

Martha became frustrated and asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her. But Jesus gently told Martha, “Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her” (Luke 10:42).

What We Learned

This story reminds us that sometimes what is expected and what is truly important are not the same. Martha was busy doing good things, but Mary chose the best thing—spending time with Jesus.

How do you spend time with Jesus? Do you read the Bible, pray, or sing songs about Him? This week, let’s remember to take time to listen to Jesus and grow closer to Him.

Hope to see you in church on Sunday!