The Big News
Rev. Beverly Tye will be preaching for us this Sunday. Expect a great service!
Beverly is also giving the devotional at the Women’s Luncheon this Thursday at 11:30 AM in the fellowship hall. Lunch will be followed by a special program.
Discovering God Class
We will consider a remarkable experience this Sunday—one that is hard to believe and unlike anything most people have ever heard.
If it happened (and it did), then God is real and does intervene in our lives in very dramatic ways.
Join us at 9:45 AM—breakfast afterward!
Breakfast This Sunday
This is a “Winston Sunday.” Feel free to help!
Breakfast is at 10:30 AM.
Sound Repair
Our in-house sound was out last week, and I had to “push it” while preaching. I don’t want Beverly to have to do that!
Chuy from Stage4 will be at the church Wednesday at 5:00 PM for repairs.
We also have a new project for him: moving Jason and Robert out of the small, hot “media loft” at the back of the sanctuary. The plan is to relocate all sound equipment to a booth on the floor, which may require building a new sound booth.
Jason and I will meet with Chuy on Wednesday to discuss it.
Attendance & Giving
We had 58 in attendance last Sunday—still aiming for 70!
Here’s some good news: Giving was up substantially in 2024 compared to 2023. This made life much easier for us last year.
We are grateful for our faithful church—and for the Lord who leads us.
Ash Wednesday – March 5
Lent begins soon. Our Ash Wednesday service will focus on music and prayer.
We will have a sandwich supper at 6:00 PM, followed by the service at 6:30 PM.
Let this service be important to you.
See you Sunday!
God Bless,