Friday’s Word – “There’s a Problem Here”

It was a hot summer day.

A few women of the church and I were sitting around a table, folding bulletins.

Janice walked in and said she felt like she was going to pass out crossing the hot parking lot.

“Oh, that feels so funny,” said Nita, “looking down on your body like that.”

We stopped folding.

We knew there must be a story. Nita said:

Well, I passed out once. My husband and I were in a hot New Orleans eatery in the days before air conditioning.

I passed right out—fell out of the booth onto the floor. Then I was above myself, looking down on myself.

I saw people rush over to help me.

But I could see only the upper part of my body. My lower body was under the table. I was really worried.

All I could think about was, ‘I hope my skirt is pulled down.’

Then I got my breath, and I returned to my body.

After that, Nita thought “passing out” meant leaving the body.

She had never heard of out-of-body experiences.

Nita was able to see herself—and to think from a place outside her brain.

Take this seriously.

This is a common event.

Events like this—if we are truly reasonable—force us to consider the reality of the soul.

The Nita watching the body on the ground was the real Nita.

If she had died, the real Nita would have left her body behind and continued with her life. The body is not us. We are eternal.

We talked about this in class last Sunday. If you would like a Thursday evening Discovering God class, let me know.

Come. Grow in hope.

Worship is at 11:00.

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