Kids’ News – Tabitha: The Woman Who Came Back to Life

This Sunday, we met Tabitha, a woman known for her kindness and generosity. She had a ministry of sewing clothes for others, using her skills to serve her community. But one day, Tabitha became very ill and passed away.

The disciples in Joppa had heard of Peter’s reputation as a healer, so they sent two people to a nearby town to ask for his help. When Peter arrived, he saw how much the community loved Tabitha—many people were mourning her loss. He sent everyone out of the room, knelt, and prayed. Then he turned to Tabitha and said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, saw Peter, and got up! The news of her healing spread quickly throughout Joppa.

What We Learned

Through faith and community, Tabitha was healed. Her life reminds us that kindness is powerful and that serving others is a way to show God’s love.

When we work together to help those in need, we fulfill the role God has given us in His greater plan.

How can we share kindness and serve others like Tabitha did? Think about it, and we’ll discuss your answers this Sunday in church!

See you then!

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