Forgive me for playing the same note on my harp over and over again, but notice needs to be taken.
It is a big thing—the loss of our democracy. The disruption in thousands of lives.
The deaths of children in Africa. And in America, if the present agenda goes through.
I knew that people would show up sad last Sunday, two days after Mr. Zelensky was attacked in the Oval Office.
I did address our obvious sorrow in my sermon and lamented again that so many Christians had helped to bring us to the dark place we are in now.
My mind goes back to the ’50s and ’60s. (Yes, I am old enough to remember those days.)
Racism was the norm in the church. This means that most people in the pews and preaching from pulpits did not truly accept Jesus’ teachings.
But surely, we are much better today. I think not.
Human nature has not changed. Many Christians today are as resistant to the teachings of Jesus as people were back then.
Matthew 5:28-48 is like lost scripture for many Christians. It seems not to exist. For many, the words of Jesus against vengeance and retribution carry no weight.
The unconditional love of God for all people is still not popular.
We know this because of where we are today.
No one who truly knows Jesus Christ would have chosen this.
Yet millions who claim the name of our Lord do, still, support this darkness.
But when it gets dark enough, all (or most) will see that the lights are out.
A change will come.
Evil does not win.
Lord, we trust in you.