This week, we hear a story about Jesus calling His first disciples. As He walked along the shore, He saw two sets of brothers—Simon and Andrew, and James and John—fishing in the Sea of Galilee. Jesus called out to them, saying, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.” Without hesitation, they dropped everything and followed Him.
Jesus didn’t give them a long explanation. He didn’t tell them exactly what they would be doing or where they were going. But the brothers trusted Him. They knew that following Jesus meant something special, even if they didn’t understand it all right away.
Later, these brothers and others became Jesus’ closest friends and disciples. They traveled with Him, listened to His teachings, and learned how to share God’s love with others. Jesus was showing them that being a disciple isn’t just about knowing things—it’s about trusting, listening, and stepping out in faith.
We are all called to “fish for people” just like the disciples. That doesn’t mean we need fishing nets. Instead, it means we should look for ways to invite others into God’s love—by being kind, making friends, and sharing what we learn about Jesus. Wherever we go, we can be a light for others, just as the disciples were.
We hope to see you in church on Sunday so we can meet more of Jesus’ friends.
What We Learned
Jesus calls each of us to follow Him, just as He called the fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. They left everything behind, trusting Him even though they didn’t know what the future would hold. That same trust is what faith is all about—believing in God’s plan even when we don’t have all the answers.
Jesus’ invitation to be “fishers of people” reminds us that we are meant to share His love with others. We don’t need a fishing boat or nets to do this. Instead, we can be fishers of people by showing kindness, making new friends, and inviting others to learn more about Jesus. Every time we act with love, we help bring others closer to God’s kingdom.
We hope to see you in church on Sunday so we can meet more of Jesus’ friends.
Miss Vickie and Miss Sue