Ash Wednesday—THIS Wednesday
Tonight!—if you’re reading this on Wednesday. Begin Lent at the beginning. If we ever needed the encouragement of the Gospel, it is now.
Sandwich supper at 6:00. (No, I’m not bringing my tuna sandwiches. My sister is bringing her chicken salad sandwiches.) Desserts are coming, too. But worship is the main event, and it will start at 6:30.
This is a contemplative service. Blake will sing the beautiful Above All. We will be reminded that we are loved and forgiven. Mary will impose the ashes of repentance. There will be a moment at the altar for prayer if you choose.
Discovering God Class
I wish everyone could have been in my class last Sunday. We had a meaningful discussion about who we are—a soul temporarily assigned to a body. This week, we will learn that deathbed visions are just one element of God’s loving welcome as we leave this place.
Class at 9:45. Breakfast after.
Breakfast This Sunday
This Sunday—it’s up to us. We all bring. Help if you can. Breakfast is at 10:30.
First Sunday of Lent
The paraments turn purple. We begin our journey to Easter. But the journey matters. The scripture will be the temptation in the wilderness.
The sermon: Where the Power Lies.
Everything Satan says in this passage is a lie. (Hmmm—who does that remind me of?)
We had 70 in attendance again last Sunday. Let’s make a habit of it.
This is a time for commitment.
Jesus said we are “the light of the world.” Let that light shine. Let the world see and hear our witness.
See you Sunday.
God bless,