Ah!—now we know.
We’ve been so troubled, trying to make things make sense.
How could they do that?
Let children die in Africa.
End research on cancer in children.
Drastically cut aid to veterans.
Rob from the poor to give to the rich.
Side with the aggressor against the victim.
What, in the name of common decency, is wrong with them?
Then the Car Guy said it out loud. He told us what he is fighting against.
He said empathy is destroying civilization.
There is too much of it, he says.
Empathy is the ability to feel the pain of others.
It is the essence of love.
It is the heart of morality.
It is the foundation for the Golden Rule.
“Do unto others—”
When Car Guy said to get rid of empathy, I remembered.
These guys can’t feel the pain of those dying children because they are sociopaths.
Bless their hearts.
They can’t help it. That’s how sociopathy works. Look it up.
A chief trait is the inability to feel empathy for others.
So, stop expecting them to suddenly hear the cries of grieving mothers and change their ways.
Won’t happen.
They are not going to feel your pain.
Nor the pain of dying children.
But I can’t help wondering: Why are so many Christians attracted to sociopaths?
Looks like they would know better.
Hey! Let’s do something good. Let’s go to church this Sunday.
Worship is at 11:00.