Max’s Corner

Service for Jim Lee

Saturday, March 15, 11:00 a.m. at St. Matthew
We will provide lunch for family and friends after the graveside. All are welcome at the service, whether you knew Jim or not.

Discovering God Class

Another great discussion last week! Everyone needs to know—and have a chance to discuss—the kinds of things we are learning in this class. The teachings of Jesus are verified here every week.
Class at 9:45. Breakfast after.

Breakfast this Sunday

This is a “Winston Sunday.” Feel free to help.
Breakfast is at 10:30.

Second Sunday of Lent

Mary preaches this Sunday. Kristi may well be back after her COVID spell. The choir will likely be back in the choir area.

Eyes on the Prize

There will be some misery and chaos for some time to come, but I don’t plan to keep my focus on it. For at any given moment, life is better than we can imagine it to be.

To live in this world—rough as it is from time to time—is an honor and a privilege. We are blessed to be here. And we are loved, watched over, and cared for.

Despite the national sorrow, we are called to trust and rejoice. This will be a wonderful and joy-filled year at St. Matthew.

Expect misery from Washington.
And nothing but amazing grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.

See you Sunday.
God Bless—MB

Give Thanks – We had a gracious and well-attended Ash Wednesday service—and a great meal before it. Thanks to all!

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