Max’s Corner

Service for Jim Lee

Thanks to all who helped—with the service and with the food. Your love, expressed in service, was very important to the family during a hard time.

We are a great church.

Discovering God Class

A few years ago, I called for readers of Friday’s Word to share their experiences with me. One thing I received was a remarkable near-death experience, and this Sunday, we will look at that for the very first time.

I have never shared it anywhere before. Class at 9:45. Breakfast after.

Breakfast This Sunday

This is a “We Bring Sunday.” Don’t forget that! Feel free to help. Breakfast is at 10:30.

Last Sunday and This

Mary had a lovely sermon, and it made me hungry for some chocolate pie!

The anthem O Sacred Head, Now Wounded may have been the loveliest thing our choir has ever done. The cellist, Alex Hyme (spelling may be wrong), will be back with us on Good Friday when the choir will repeat this anthem.

This Sunday, the sermon will be: How Did She Get In?—about a Jewish woman who went to heaven during an NDE.

Thanks for the Cleanup

The sanctuary seemed fresher last Sunday.

Some of our women gave the church a spiffing up after their luncheon last Thursday.

Much appreciated!

Remember the Needs of Eastside Ministries

They are hurting for help. Hundreds of families in need depend on Eastside Ministries for food and clothing.

We will continue letting folks make a special contribution this Sunday.

I do hope to see you in worship this Sunday. Let’s talk about the meaning of salvation.

And sing the songs of grace.

God Bless,


We also welcome those who worship with us online.

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