Mary’s Corner

Trust, Commit, Be Still, Refrain

Hello, dear church

These four instructions sound easy on paper. I am writing this article on Tuesday at 3:45 PM, and I can tell you that since Sunday at 12:30, when I left the church, I have trusted God implicitly. But I’m still working on the other three.

Many distractions in life keep us from spending quality time with God. I understand that, and I recognize it as an area for improvement in my life. Being still and refraining—also known as thinking before I speak—have never been my strong suit, and I know there is still much work to do. I guess the point of starting your newsletter like this is to let you know that we are all a work in progress for God, walking the path to holiness and sanctification together.

The great thing about this journey is that God, through His grace, is the one who makes us holy and sanctified. Our part is to invest in the acts of worship that create space in our hearts for His work. By the way, to be sanctified means to be set apart for God. I’m sure many of you already know that, but I wanted to share what it means to me. We are all set apart by God—set apart as His beloved children to share His love in this world.

I hope you all enjoyed our music Sunday morning and appreciated the experience of learning the background of these vitally important hymns. The history of Methodism and the United Methodist Church in the Black community is not a pretty one. The church has been involved in systems of oppression against Black people since before slavery was even a reality in the United States, and many of those actions were carried out in the name of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to be in a church where I can bring these truths into the open and where we can discuss ways to repair the trauma caused by our ancestors.

What a glorious thing to look out at our congregation and see so many willing to do so much for the Lord. You make my heart sing!

Three members of our congregation recently completed Faith Community Health Promoter training. Carlene Wheeler, Lynette Coleman, and Kathy Callahan are taking the lead in reviving our Faith Community Nursing program at Saint Matthew. We will be starting very soon with a class called Matter of Balance. I look forward to working with these three enthusiastic nurses.

One way to prevent falls in your life is to attend our Chair Yoga class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 10:00 AM.

Blessings and the peace of Christ to you all,


Mary’s Corner

Blessings and peace in the name of the risen Christ!

We had a wonderful service on Sunday. Thank you, Rev. Beverly Tye, for the beautiful message—a great reminder that following Jesus means loving our neighbors, our enemies, and even complete strangers! We are truly blessed to be part of a church family that is open and welcoming—not only to each other but also to those we don’t yet know.

This week, we have much to lift in prayer:

People losing their jobs.

Those losing financial grants that help pay for expensive medications.

Medical researchers whose work depends on these grants.

Prayers for President Zelenskyy, his family, and the people of Ukraine as they endure continued war.

Prayers for President Putin, his family, and the people of Russia, that they may have a Damascus Road experience and come face to face with the risen Christ.

And while we’re praying for hearts to be changed, let’s add all those in Washington, D.C., and leadership roles across the government. Not prayers for perfection, but prayers that the love of Jesus, as shown on the cross, will overwhelm their hearts and minds. Fighting and arguing are distractions. What the world truly needs is leaders focused on what is best for all.

Love to all,

Mary’s Corner

Greetings Dear Family,

Please accept this poem by Ullie Kaye.

you see, i already know the ending. good wins. peace prevails. the dragon is slayed and the sword is raised. but first we must go through the part of the story where the plot has not yet twisted. the battle is not yet won. the storm is raging. the tower is locked. the apple is poisoned. the wolf is ready and waiting in bed, wearing grandmother’s clothing. but i already know the ending. i already know the ending.

Praise God we do know the ending. Life wins over death, good always prevails over evil, and the light will never be overcome by darkness. I am grateful to be in ministry with you—grateful for the love and support you show me. I am so very grateful to be growing closer to God and walking the road to sanctification, also known as holiness, with all of you.

Don’t forget the Women’s Luncheon on Thursday, the 13th, at 11:30 AM. Lunch is included, along with a great testimony from Rev. Beverly Tye and a word from our friends at the American Cancer Society.

My love to all of you. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

– Mary

Mary’s Corner

Dearest church,

I have completed my interview process today with the Horizon Texas Board of Ordained Ministry. I am very disappointed to inform you that I have been held over for another year at the district level. I was not approved for ordination. I can interview again in 2026. I will receive written instructions and comments from the BOM in a couple of weeks. Until then I have been encouraged to dig deeper and to work harder. The BOM offers support and continued encouragement to stay the course.
I am tired right now and will have more later.
My love to all of you. Thank you for your prayers and love. I will be studying for next year. And you know that means that so will you! Mary

Mary’s Corner

Hello, dear church family, and the sacred body of Christ,

I have been busy studying and preparing for my ordination interview next Tuesday. Our ordination class has been blessed with wisdom, advice, and prayers from members of the Board of Ordained Ministry, who have guided us through this process. Their support has made me feel much more confident going into this year’s interview compared to last year.

On Sunday, I visited Patsy Reeves. Other than a few stitches to her head and a broken collarbone, she was in good spirits and not in much pain. She sends her love and well wishes to everyone.

I also spoke with Bruce Butterfield, Keith’s son. There is a room available at Parkwood where we could gather to celebrate Keith’s birthday. I’m hoping to do something after church this Sunday around 2:00 PM. Since space is limited, we’ll need to take turns spending time with Keith. If you’d like to participate, please let me know by email, text, or in person at church this Sunday.

My love to all of you. Step outside and enjoy the weather—they say another cold front is on the way!
