Special Prayer Requests

Our dear Eloise Rhodes passed away peacefully on November 30th. We do not have arrangements yet but will let you know as soon as information is available.

Dan and Joyce Mitchell have asked for specials prayers for the family of Timothy Williams. Timothy is the Mitchells nephew and passed away this week after a long illness.

It is never a good time to lose someone you love. Heaven is a sweeter place today with the addition of these two beloved souls. Take care of each other and especially the human in the mirror.

Blessings, Mary

Mary’s Corner

I hope this newsletter finds you well and warm. Thanks in advance to all of you who will help decorate the church for Christmas. Advent is always such a humbling and meaningful time for me. There is usually a quietness in my heart while the “busy-ness” of this time of the year spins around me. My focus is on the baby born in the stillness of the night, surrounded by angels, shepherds, animals, Joseph and Mary. I imagine all of creation holding its breath as God made flesh took their first breath as a human male. I encourage you to set aside time every day to consider what we are celebrating, to think about what we are waiting for, and to look for ways to be the Christ in the life of others. We participate in advent every year, decorating, changing our music, our preaching, our focus to the arrival of that baby. This year, while you watch and wait, keep yourself actively waiting by doing small things for others: offering prayers, sending cards, making phone calls… Anything you do to reconnect with others in your families or in our community will extend the love of Christ to this world so desperate for love. This is actually my 12th Advent with Saint Matthew (10th since we joined the church). I look forward to every one because I learn something new about my Savior with each passing season. Blessings to all this week. Rest, practice self-care, and join me in anticipating the arrival of that baby! My love to all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

I am grateful for all of you and feel so very blessed to be a part of this congregation. I pray that you have a peaceful and love-filled Thanksgiving. As you gather with friends and family, remember to take care of yourself by avoiding crowds, washing your hands, and staying away from folks who are ill.  Remember in your prayers our folks who are hospitalized or recovering. Send a card or make a phone call when you can.  

December will be here very quickly, and it will be another great month for us. November 26th is Christ the King Sunday and I look forward to bringing you a message of hope and joy as we wrap up this ordinary season and move into the expectancy of the Advent season. Advent begins December 3rd, and “Hope Sunday” is the theme for the first Sunday of Advent. Each Sunday of Advent has a theme: hope, peace, joy, and love.

Stay warm and rest; the season is upon us! Love, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Greetings dear congregation, 

I have just left the hospital room of Eloise Rhodes, our oldest living congregation member at St. Matthew. Eloise woke up and smiled when I talked to her. She remembered many names as I spoke to her, sending love from all of you. Please pray for Eloise’s comfort and peacefulness. Pray also for her family who will be making some difficult decisions over the next few days.

Eastside Ministries Annual Fundraising Enchilada Dinner will be held at St. Matthew UMC, Tuesday, December 5, 2023 @ 6:00 pm. RSVP’s are required. We will have a sign-up page on the bulletin board this Sunday. Vegetarian option will be available.

The memorial service we had last Friday for Darrin Charbonneau was well-received by all who attended. The event also shined the light on a meaningful way for St. Matthew to remember Darrin. A “Life Fund” will be established on behalf of Ian Charbonneau, Darrin and Carla’s 10-year-old son. Donations to this fund can be made in memory of Darrin. I am starting the fund with $100 dollars this week and I encourage you to contribute what you can. The seed money will be placed into a managed account for Ian and will be available to him when he is ready to make decisions about college or whatever he chooses. If you would like to participate, please bring your gifts this Sunday and place them in the plate at offering time.  

The Tarrant County Department of Public Health is tracking specific respiratory illnesses on the website, including COVID-19, influenza and RSV. While COVID-19 is not as prevalent, it is still active in our community, along with RSV and influenza. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU: Stay away from crowded places or wear a mask in those spaces; practice social distancing and thorough hand washing; stay home if you are ill and avoid folks who are ill. I had a brief “flashback” Sunday morning as everyone was leaving the church. I forgot for a moment that it is 2023 and panicked when I saw everyone standing close together in the doorway. We need to protect those among us who are at high risk for contracting any illness. The best way to do this is to follow the previous four recommendations. My love to you all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus the Christ,

I am grateful for the wonderful crowd we had this past Sunday and for your engagement in the topic of leading the UMC into the future. As a reminder, Bishop Saenz has a vision for the congregations from north Texas that includes these 5 Strategic Priorities:

1. Multiplying Followers of Jesus

2. Championing Children and Youth

3. Maximizing Care and Healing

4. Pursue and Embrace Diversity AND Inclusion

5. Telling Our Story

Our straw poll indicates that our interest lies in championing children and youth, maximizing care and healing, and pursuing and embracing diversity and inclusion. I believe that #1 will happen naturally if we are focused on #2, 3 and 4. I also believe that telling the story of the UMC can be interwoven in some of the activities of #2, 3 and 4.

Our next step is to meet with the church staff and volunteer leadership to create a plan for each of these 3 priorities and set an annual calendar with activities that support each priority. If the Holy Spirit compels you toward any of these activities, please send me an email, mary.teague@saintmatthewumc.com.

Even if you are not able to come to the church, there will be things that can be done remotely to support these priorities. I look forward to working side by side with you as we move forward in our journey to being great ancestors of our faith tradition. Blessings, Mary