Mary’s Corner

Peace and blessings to all,

THE PLAYGROUND IS COMING! Construction plans have been moved up to WEDNESDAY September 27th. We will have a ground-breaking and a prayer at 12:30. Join us if you can; we will video the event and post it to our website. I am so very excited to see the beginning of this year’s long project. I am also so very grateful to everyone for their prayers and their contributions to the project. It is exciting to think about the way this is all coming together.

I wonder if you have considered this week how very loved we are and how precious we are to God. We spend so much time feeling so many emotions, but have you spent any time this week feeling loved? God does not hold resentment toward us or make lists of our shortcomings. God is not sitting at a chalkboard tallying our sins. We are loved and we are forgiven.

Thanks to all of the folks who helped make the St. Matthew Women United luncheon so much fun. I am grateful for your commitment to the fellowship of our family.

Join us Sunday.

My love to all, Mary

Tarrant County Resources

2-1-1 Texas 

No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community. Whether you need help finding food or housing, childcare, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment, one number is all you need to know: 2-1-1. The service is free and is available 24/7.  For more information:

My Health My Resources of Tarrant County

Services are available by calling or texting the MHMR ICARE Call Center at 817-335-3022. Trained mental health professionals are available 24/7/365.

Area Agency on Aging (AAA)

A public or private nonprofit agency designated by a state to address the needs and concerns of all older persons at the regional and local levels.  AAA can help to coordinate a wide range of services and assistance for older persons. For more information:

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities supports programming from food pantries, housing, immigration and refugee support to a host of other services. Clients do not need to be Catholic to receive assistance. For more information:

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army supports programming ranging from homeless shelters, food pantries, help for domestic abuse, services for the aging, to job training. For more information:

United Way

United Way partners with local agencies in communities to provide a host of resources and services ranging from education and child care, income assistance, health, to services for seniors. For more information:

Mary’s Corner

Hello dear friends,

I am grateful for the cooler weather, even as I drive through my neighborhood and see all the huge trees downed in last week’s storms. With the blessing of lower temperatures, a little rain must fall.😃

COVID is still moving like a snake through our community. I cannot stress enough the importance of wearing a mask if you have any immune system issues or take any medication that suppresses your immune system. WEAR A MASK. And everyone, please wash your hands often, take your vitamins, and stay home if you are sick. A case of mild COVID calls for 10 days of isolation after testing positive. Let’s keep each other safe.

My love to all. I look forward to spending time with you this fall. Mary

Mary’s Corner

Lists. Making lists is a special talent of mine; completing my lists is another matter entirely. But I “press on toward the mark” as Paul would say, always hoping to experience the feeling of accomplishment. The author of Peter wrote a list for the persecuted Christians living in areas of Asia Minor. I learned today that Asia Minor, now Anatolia, is the part of Western Asia that touches Europe. Peter’s letters, and lists, were important to the new church. Keep these things in mind this week as you move forward in your relationship with God: Onto your faith, add virtue. And to your virtue add knowledge. To knowledge, self-control (good luck with this one). To self-control, add steadfastness or perseverance (NIV translation). To perseverance, godliness; to Godliness, mutual affection for each other. And finally, church, add love. I am grateful to be on this journey with you. Faithfully and as virtuously as I am able, Mary