Mary’s Corner

Hello everyone! I pray you are well and happy. We had an unexpected visitor this past Sunday during our services. A tragedy walked right into our church. I want to first say, thank you to those who responded with me to this event. It took 3 of us to talk to her and keep everyone safe. This is a great lesson for us: always respond in 3’s. We worked with the FWPD, FWFD, and MedStar to get this lost soul the medical attention she needed. Her appearance in our building was not an accident and it exposes a dire need in our neighborhood: addiction recovery services. I am going to do some research about the requirements for hosting a recovery program at St. Matthew. We have a lot of space that is currently going unused during the week. Pray with me about adding this program. The appearance of this person on Sunday also made me realize how blessed we all are, including her. Blessed by the grace and mercy of our Lord, and given a new chance every day to live in that grace and mercy. My love to you all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Good Wednesday Saint Matthew,

I pray that you are enjoying a bit of time outside this week as cooler temperatures are gracing our lives. Unlike the eternal grace of God, however, these temperatures are only here for the week. We will be back into 3 digits by the end of this week and for all next week. Fall is coming; it just may not happen until November! I am closely watching the COVID numbers on the Tarrant County website, as well as monitoring our hospital census for a rise in COVID admissions. So far, only a slight rise in cases. I cannot stress enough, that if you have any kind of immunity issues, or any chronic illness (especially lung-related), please wear a mask in public, avoid large crowds, and wash your hands frequently. We will watch the numbers to determine if we need to make any adjustments at church and we are prepared with masks and hand sanitizer for any untoward events. May the peace of God flood your soul right now. As you read these lines remember I love you and I am praying for you.

Blessings, Mary

East District Fellowship with Bishop Saenz

Bishop Ruben Saenz, Jr. will be visiting districts within CTC and NTC throughout the fall.  We invite clergy and laity will to join together in a time of worship and fellowship at the East District Gathering with Bishop Saenz on Saturday, October 14th at 10:00 am.  The event will take place at New World UMC (2201 N Davis Drive, Arlington, TX 76012).   Childcare will be available.  To reserve childcare for this event, please contact Melissa Shamburger no later than October 9th by email at or call 817-945-6508. 

Special Alert – COVID Update

The Tarrant County Public Health Department reports that the risk of the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the community remains LOW.

However, if you live with a chronic illness or with a compromised immune system, please wear a mask while at church. We will make sure to have face masks and hand sanitizer available at the church entrances for your use.

If you think you might be sick, please stay at home and join us online.


Mary’s Corner

Beloved Church and Friends,

I owe you an apology. My sermon on Sunday about the irrelevance of the church to most young people failed to include the very important point that without all of you, there wouldn’t be a church for them to find irrelevant. I would not be in church if not for you. And your love and life experience are just what these young souls are missing in their lives. I cannot wait to be in ministry WITH YOU as we show the next generations the blessings of being in fellowship with other people. I do not want to experience church without you! 

It looks like we have another week to ten days of this oppressive heat. I see some temperatures in the 70’s later next week, only reaching the 90’s. I am looking forward to getting back to double-digit temperatures. Continue to stay indoors unless it is absolutely necessary and drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. If you need anything we are available to assist. Also, our nemesis COVID is back with a vengeance. Hospital admissions remain very low but the new variant is very dangerous. Please be sure and wash your hands, stay home and rest if you are sick, and wear a mask if your immune system is compromised. There will be a vaccine booster for this new strain coming soon. I will keep you up to date on what is happening.

My love to all! I ask for your prayers as I travel this week to Arkansas for the funeral of a dear, life-long family friend. My mother and I will be leaving Thursday afternoon and returning Saturday.

Blessings, Mary