Mary’s Corner

Greetings St. Matthew,

I am still basking in the joy and comfort I felt at the end of the service yesterday. It is so very good to be loved by God and to share that love with all of you. Blake’s song was very meaningful to me as well, on top of his beautiful delivery of the music. We are blessed to hear great singing and great preaching. While reading my email this morning, I learned a few things about the ordination process. I wish I could tell you that what I learned was good news; instead, it is rather frustrating to me. My upcoming interview is a second interview with the District Committee on Ministry. These interviews are annual interviews and this one is to procure a recommendation for commissioning. If that happens, I will then have three more interviews (over the next 3 years) with the Board of Ordained Ministry. So close, and yet still so far. I am begging God for patience today. And for the power to trust the timing and the process. I am so very grateful that you allow me to fulfill my calling now. You and I are not waiting for permission or acknowledgement from anyone before living the gospel in our neighborhood. This gives me strength and the willingness to persevere.

To the women of St. Matthew (and any other women), please join us on September 21st at 11:30 am as we renew our bi-monthly women’s lunches. Please RSVP to Veta McCullough by call or text: 8179941619 or by email: or We had a glorious time at these events in the past and I hope many of you can attend. Please also let Veta know if you have any requests for programming as she and Peggy Decker are going to work to create some meaningful and enjoyable activities for the meetings.

Finally, I will be preaching this weekend and I need your prayers this week as I prepare.

My love to you all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Greetings St. Matthew,

Communion was so very meaningful this weekend. Maybe it was because it had been so long since we had been together or maybe it was because Max was back serving us. Either way, I was very moved by the Spirit among us as we accepted this holy sacrament. My spare time this week will be spent preparing and submitting my ordination paperwork (Phase III) to the Board of Ordained Ministry. I know that I asked for your prayers, and I want you to know that I can feel your prayers and your support. As I am answering these questions about my call, about my understanding of God, and about my commitment to the United Methodist Church, I am overwhelmed with how very grateful I am for St. Matthew. You are all the reason I stay committed to this path. My time with you and my time learning from all of you have kept me moving onward and upward through these storms.

Our next Saturday Concert will be August 19th and will feature Max and Shannon. Music starts at 6pm and the potluck dinner starts at 7pm. I look forward to seeing you there. Love to all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Dearest Church and friends,

I do not know how we have been so very blessed to hear the kind of music we have heard from the Davidson family and from Blake Glass! I could listen for hours, and I have been humming “Blessed Assurance” since Sunday. These performances have been pure joy for me. I am looking forward to more experiences in the future. For example, we have finally settled on a name for these concerts, “Second Saturday Concerts.”

Our next Second Saturday is August 19th. I will be talking to Blake and Shannon about a plan for this one. Max will perform at our September event and the October and November events are yet to be finalized.

Please tell your friends. These concerts started out as fundraising events, but I have enjoyed them so much that I have completely forgotten everything except the overwhelming happiness I am feeling afterward. I know you feel the same way. Thank you to our performers and to Blake and Shannon for all the hard work it took to become this talented.

Remember this week that God has known your name for all of eternity. There isn’t a time when you have not been known and loved by God. Blessings to you all.


Mary’s Corner

Hello, St. Matthew and friends!

I missed being with you on Sunday, but I have watched the sermon and I know you had a marvelous experience. I look forward to being with you this Sunday. I will be preaching a sermon about names. My scripture text is John 10: 27-28 for those who like to play along. YOUR HOMEWORK: research the origin of your first name, write it on a small note card or piece of paper, and bring it to church Sunday morning. This guarantees two things. First, you will have done a little homework, which has not happened in your life for decades. And, second, I will know who actually reads my newsletter articles.

I spent a joyous time with my family this past weekend, being blessed to attend the wedding of my dear nephew Jacob Teague to a spectacular woman named Emily. I look forward to spending much time with them as they grow in love and in life.

Don’t forget August 4th is happening very soon!!! Our Back-to-School Bash is becoming a reality. We will have hot dogs and be watching “Puss ‘n Boots 2” in the fellowship hall. I still need a few helpers and the sign-up sheet to help is on the bulletin board in the hallway. I also need 27 more $25-dollar Walmart Gift cards (or the cash equivalent) to give to the 30 children I am praying for God to send to this event. It will be unforgettable!  Brian McCosky has an exciting plan for marketing to our neighborhood. Please let me know this week if you can help. I love you all and am looking forward to our time together this Sunday. PS. Do not forget your homework! All my love, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Hello everyone,

I continue to spend a considerable amount of time humming Broadway tunes from our Saturday concert or just grinning and remembering the joy that filled my heart during the performance. I know many of you were also as moved as I was, I could see it in your smiles and tears. We are so very, very blessed that God sent Shannon and Blake to our congregation. I am looking forward to many more concerts at St. Matthew. Thanks to everyone who brought food and a HUGE thank you to those of you who stayed to help clean up. 

Our next concert is scheduled for August, date and details to follow. Our BACK-to-SCHOOL bash is August 4th. Hot Dogs and Movie Night are on the agenda. I still need volunteers to help set up and clean up that evening. We also need a room full of school-age kids! Thank you to those folks who gave me money on Sunday morning for the gift cards we will be giving away that evening. I received 3 donations. Only 27 more to go!!

I will be away this weekend celebrating my nephew’s wedding. I will join you online for worship. Blessings to all! Mary