Hello to everyone! I hope you are all staying cool and dry in this heat and humidity. A little bit of rain is helpful, I think. Or it may just contribute to the humidity. Summer in Texas must be the closest thing to Hell we can imagine without actually being there. I look forward to the 3 days of mild fall weather we will probably have in November. đ Yvonne Lee let me know today that her niece Cindy is being discharged this week from rehab and will return home. And Julie Maxwell tells me that Tracy still has serious pain and is scheduled for an MRI and several office visits this week. Charlotte Holder has had some relief from the procedure she had on her back, but she still asks for prayers from you. Keep these and all our folks with health issues in your prayers this week.
We have some exciting things coming up: July 15th at 6 pm is our âNight at the Theaterâ featuring Shannon and Blake with a Potluck Dinner to follow. August 4th is our “Back to School Bash” for the kids in our congregation. A sign-up list will be available this Sunday to help with the event. We will have hot dogs and a movie night. This event begins at 5:30 with food and fellowship. The movie will start at 6:30. Everyone is invited, even if you arenât going back to school. We will not need to purchase school supplies for the elementary school kids, but I think new backpacks would be good for all of them. Or perhaps gift cards so that they can pick out their own. We will discuss.
Finally, the Admin Board meets this Sunday after church. If you have anything you would like to be added to the agenda, please let me or Winston know.
Blessings to all, Mary