Mary’s Room

Peace and love to you from a follower of Jesus Christ,

My prayers for you this week have been for comfort and peace. Anxiety, worry, and fear are palpable in the air as we approach this most contentious election next week. I understand those feelings and find myself frequently “belly breathing” and inviting the peace of Christ into my mind. I remind myself that “the Lord is my shepherd, walking with me through green pastures, still waters,” and whatever chaos the world is experiencing. I tell myself, “let not your heart be troubled.” I am a follower of Jesus, and I do feel the presence of the risen Christ in my life, even in the middle of a society at war with itself. I remember that God is eternal and all-knowing. God has already seen what happens in the future, including the election next week. I know we all have an outcome in mind that either brings us joy or fear. I encourage all of you to choose to trust in God. The best we can do is to vote in the way our conscience leads us. The next best thing we can do is to continue to love our neighbors and to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our neighborhood. Neither of those two things depends on who sits in the White House. All politics aside, it is imperative that an open, affirming, accepting, and loving voice of the church is heard above the noise of people at war with each other over political ideals. Saint Matthew is such a church, and we have that voice.

Don’t forget our picnic this weekend, which looks like it will be held indoors. We had very few folks sign up on Sunday for the event. Please let Vita know what you plan to bring if you did not sign up on Sunday. This will be a very informal event; we will have no decorations, but we will need a cleanup crew. I encourage you to bring everything that you and your family will need that you would bring for a picnic, and then bring a little more to share with others.

We have two important events coming up. On November 5th, Saint Matthew will host a voting location. After our picnic on Sunday, we will work together to make sure the bathrooms and the fellowship hall are clean and ready to receive guests. Our second important event is a wedding that has been booked at the church for December 7th. This is our first time hosting a wedding as a paid venue. We will work together on Thursday evening, December 5th, and Friday, December 6th, to make certain that the church is clean and ready to receive guests.

Finally, my beloved siblings, keep your thoughts on things that are good, things that are right, things that are just, things that are loving. When we think on these things, the world is a better place.


Mary’s Corner

Greetings, beloved Church and Church friends,

I wish you peace and love in the name of the risen Christ. I was blessed this week to spend time at a grief summit. Several clergy members and I gathered together on Monday with a grief coach at Keller United Methodist Church. We spent three hours talking about grief. The discussions included the impact of losing church members, the impact of disaffiliations, and the difficulty of allowing space for our own grief while acknowledging the grief of the rest of the world. It was an amazing and uplifting encounter with God on Monday. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been there.

I want to say thanks to everyone who brought Halloween candy for the Trunk or Treat at the elementary school. We got lots of good candy, and hopefully, those kiddos will have a great time next week at their event.

I also want to say a special thank you to Brian McCosky for two reasons. First of all, Brian has pretty much single-handedly managed the issues we are having with our HVAC equipment. This has taken a lot of his time, including his entire birthday back in September. Secondly, I want to thank Brian for bringing brats and hotdogs back from Wisconsin. In the midst of juggling my responsibilities, I failed to set a date with Brian for a church picnic. Thankfully, Brian is part of a veterans’ organization and will be able to use the imported meats for an event with local veterans. I apologize to you all that we will miss out on the high-quality products that Brian brings back from Wisconsin. That said, we still need a church picnic. Apparently, the weather is going to cooperate until at least the middle of November. We will be having a church picnic on November 3, 2024, immediately following the service. The temperature that day is forecasted to be 75° with a minimal chance of rain. I will have a sign-up sheet this Sunday for those who wish to bring food for the picnic. We will invite the neighborhood via our sign out in front of the building and through this newsletter article. Please join us on November 3 for breakfast at 10:30, church at 11, and a picnic on the grounds beginning at 12:30.

Thank you for your continued love and patience with me as I pursue ordination in the United Methodist Church. I have been away from school for a while now, and I’m not sure I remember everything I need to. I have to study extra to remind myself of all the things I’ve forgotten.

My love to you all,

Mary’s Corner

I bring you peace in the name of the risen Christ,

We honored the life of Bill Parker today at the DFW National Cemetery. The setting there is breathtaking and heartbreaking at the same time. Bill received the honor and recognition he deserved for his service during the Vietnam War. And Bill would have been reluctant to receive those honors, as his humble service in all areas was a way of life for him. Service never seemed anything more than “as it should be,” to quote Bill. I do not know how we were able to experience an actual angel among us, but I do believe that we have many in our small but mighty congregation. We saw Don Horton volunteering at the cemetery. He sends his love and well-wishes to all and promises to be back in church soon. Don told me that the DFW National Cemetery sits on more than 650 acres and can be the final resting place for 283,000+ veterans and spouses. Don reports that there are currently 92,000 folks interred on those sacred grounds. If you have not seen it already, it is worth the drive.

The bulletin Sunday contained information on upcoming events, specifically Eastside Ministries events and Bill J. Elliott Elementary School events. Please check our website,, for details about the upcoming events. I am grateful for your support of all our ministries. These actions are our witness to our neighbors. This is how they know we are followers of Jesus—by the way we love them with our time, talent, and resources. The end of October is coming quickly, and we know that the school is having a fall festival. We have not received guidance from the school counselor about how we can participate, but we will let you know as soon as that guidance comes. I am telling you this because we may not have much notice, and I know you do not want to miss an opportunity to serve our community.

Also, the St. Matthew Women’s United group will be assembling women’s hygiene bags containing tampons, pads, and lotion. If you can, please bring any or all of these items: medium and large sizes for the feminine hygiene products and travel-size lotion. I have ordered 100 opaque, resealable bags and will have them on Sunday.

Peace in the name of the risen Christ is a peace that we cannot understand, because it is nothing like what we can provide for ourselves. God’s love for us creates this kind of peace. At the same time, we can make peace with ourselves and each other, with life and with death, but most of all, with our Creator.

My love to all,

PS: We just received word from the elementary school that they would love for us to participate in their Trunk or Treat on October 24. We have been invited to bring candy to the school and to dress up a trunk and distribute candy at the event. If you are interested in being at the school with a dressed-up trunk, let me know. Otherwise, please bring a bag of candy to church this weekend. Don’t forget!

Mary’s Corner

Greetings, dear church and family,
I want to say thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the celebration of life for Bill Parker such a success. Specifically, I want to thank Nan McCosky for cleaning the church, and a special thank you to Veta and all of the folks who served the lunch. Thanks to all who brought food, and especially for making every visitor feel welcome and special. Bill would be proud of you. Finally, I want to thank everyone who stayed to help clean up. The fellowship hall looked beautiful thanks to Connie and her decorating folks. However, I know there was a big mess to clean up after serving almost 100 people. I’m grateful for the way everybody pulled together to make this a special event for the Parkers. This isn’t the end of memorials for Bill. On October 15th, Bill will be interred at the DFW VA cemetery. He will receive full military honors there for his service in the Vietnam War.

This Sunday at 9:00 AM sharp in the fellowship hall, we will have a table set up for flu vaccines. These are the regular flu vaccines and are appropriate for folks over the age of nine. These are not the senior vaccines. The regular dose takes a few more days than the senior dose to be effective, but both provide the same immunity. Please be there between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM to get your vaccine.

Last weekend was a very busy time for us as a congregation. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of you. I also can’t say enough about how this grief is going to impact us. Be gentle with each other, patient with each other, and kind. Look for opportunities to carry on the acts of service Bill did in our congregation. We need a new chairperson for the Pastor Parish Relations Committee (PPRC), as Bill Parker filled that position for us in the past. Winston will be arranging a meeting of the PPRC soon so that we can nominate a new chairperson. The PPRC is the “human resources” part of church operations, managing staff and pastor issues along with annual evaluations. Please be in prayer that God will raise up someone to serve.

I am preaching this weekend, and I’m hoping to see all of your faces in your usual seats on Sunday morning. The choir is working on some beautiful numbers, and this weekend is no exception. Try to be there on Sunday if you can. If you can’t make it to the church, please join us online at

Love to all,

Mary’s Corner

Greetings, dear church, on behalf of the Horizon Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church,

Great things are happening in our denomination, and I am excited to be a part of this ministry with you. The leadership of the conference has very specific strategic plans for our work together in the future. I will have more details about all of these in upcoming sermons. As I said on Sunday morning, being in the Abilene Convention Center and listening to a 1,000-voice choir of committed United Methodist believers in Jesus Christ lifted my soul to the rafters. I know that God will do great things in our lives as we serve God’s creation.

On Sunday morning, I also discussed the new air conditioning unit and the cost to our congregation for the comfort of a controlled temperature in our sanctuary. Once again, you have amazed me with your love and generosity. We received a donation of $10,000 toward the cost of the new unit! Without revealing the donor, let me just say that nowhere on earth are there folks like the ones we have at Saint Matthew. You are always willing to help, no matter the request. To you, dear donor, whoever you are, just know that you are God’s gift to us, and we are grateful for your generosity. There remains a balance on the cost of the AC, but this very generous gift pays a little more than half of what was due. Bless you all as you continue giving your gifts, tithes, talents, and time to God.

Preparations are in progress and moving along well as we plan for the celebration of life for William J. “Bill” Parker. Services are on October 5, 2024, at 11:00 AM. The service will be followed by a meal in the fellowship hall. We will need desserts, please, as we expect a large crowd. We will also need assistance setting up, serving the food, and, as always, lots of help cleaning up.

Blessings to all of you, and special blessings to those of you who are unable to be physically in the church. You are loved and missed.
