Ordination Update

Great news! I have just received an email from the Central Texas conference office indicating that I will be allowed to interview with D-Com on August 22, 2024. Pending successful outcome of that interview process, I will be presented to the Board of Ordained Ministry in spring of 2025.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your love and support all these years; one more time I’m asking for your prayers. Blessings to all Mary.

Mary’s Corner

Greetings siblings,

The joy that accompanies my newfound freedom continues in my life this week. I am constantly aware of the weight removed from my shoulders. There is peace and power in knowing that the UMC is getting back to the work of the Gospel. There is also tremendous relief found in the liberty to live one’s authentic life. I cherish these feelings and I am grateful for you. Your love and support gave me the courage to press on.

Many of us either love a person who is marginalized, or we are marginalized. The removal of that horrible language from our Book of Discipline brings relief to many of us.

I attended the East District Conference meeting on Sunday afternoon and confirmed that the changes to the Book of Discipline were effective at the end of the General Conference! No waiting until the Annual Conference approves! No waiting until January 2025! I have also learned today that I will be able to interview again with the board of ordained ministry. That may happen as soon as November. If not, I can move forward with another board of ordained ministry interview in March 2025. Love to all of you and may Christ’s blessings and peace be with you.

Celebration of Life


(Mother of choir member, Julian Rodriguez)

Saturday May 18, 2024 @ 1130am

Saint Matthew UMC

2414 Hitson Lane

Fort Worth, Texas 76112

in lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be directed to the GoFundMe page set up to assist with funeral expenses.

Mary’s Corner

Greetings, dear Church, in the name of the risen Christ.

I had so much fun Sunday morning with the song that we sang, and with the time that we spent together before church having breakfast together. For some reason, everything seems lighter. The decisions of the general conference this year have made a way for everyone to be at the table of our Lord. There are no words for me to adequately express what that kind of freedom means. I am grateful to you for your continued love and support.

I’m also very grateful to those who showed up Saturday to clean the church. Nan and Winston cleaned the entire church in two hours. It doesn’t seem like a huge task, however, only two people showed up. We’ll have a sign-up sheet on Sunday to get a more organized and consistent schedule for cleaning the church.

Anna is progressing well after having a major surgery on Monday. She was up walking today with physical therapy. I look forward to spending time with you again this weekend. I miss you between these Sundays, Mary.

Mary’s Corner

Greetings in the name of the Risen Christ!

I am still giggling in joy over the events of the past two weeks. I am especially joyful over the great service we had Sunday morning. Julian’s song was perfection. And, once again, you continue to overwhelm me with love. It was so wonderful to feel your joy as well. We can spend a bit of time reveling in our freedom and then we will get together to make a strategic plan for getting back to the business of loving other people. You may remember last November that Bishop Saenz laid out the plan for fulfilling our mission as the new United Methodist Church. I look forward to working on this with you.

Please remember the family of Julian Rodriguez in your prayers. Julian sang for us Sunday. He called me this morning to tell me his mother passed away suddenly. Julian is the oldest of his siblings also and will need special strength as he helps them navigate this difficult time. We will have the funeral at the church. Julian has a large family and they will provide their own food; however, I told them we would set up the fellowship hall for them. I will provide more details as they become available. 

Blessings to all, and my undying love, Mary