Max’s Corner

The Big News

Rev. Beverly Tye will be preaching for us this Sunday. Expect a great service!

Beverly is also giving the devotional at the Women’s Luncheon this Thursday at 11:30 AM in the fellowship hall. Lunch will be followed by a special program.

Discovering God Class

We will consider a remarkable experience this Sunday—one that is hard to believe and unlike anything most people have ever heard.

If it happened (and it did), then God is real and does intervene in our lives in very dramatic ways.

Join us at 9:45 AM—breakfast afterward!

Breakfast This Sunday

This is a “Winston Sunday.” Feel free to help!

Breakfast is at 10:30 AM.

Sound Repair

Our in-house sound was out last week, and I had to “push it” while preaching. I don’t want Beverly to have to do that!

Chuy from Stage4 will be at the church Wednesday at 5:00 PM for repairs.

We also have a new project for him: moving Jason and Robert out of the small, hot “media loft” at the back of the sanctuary. The plan is to relocate all sound equipment to a booth on the floor, which may require building a new sound booth.

Jason and I will meet with Chuy on Wednesday to discuss it.

Attendance & Giving

We had 58 in attendance last Sunday—still aiming for 70!

Here’s some good news: Giving was up substantially in 2024 compared to 2023. This made life much easier for us last year.

We are grateful for our faithful church—and for the Lord who leads us.

Ash Wednesday – March 5

Lent begins soon. Our Ash Wednesday service will focus on music and prayer.

We will have a sandwich supper at 6:00 PM, followed by the service at 6:30 PM.

Let this service be important to you.

See you Sunday!

God Bless,


Friday’s Word – “He Does Not Know How to Love”

Many Christians pay little attention to Jesus.

Take J.D. Vance, who proudly wears the name Christian.

He has been in a spat with Rory Stewart, a podcaster, about biblical teachings.

Vance says we love people in this order: “First, you love your family, then your neighbor. After that, it’s your community, then your fellow citizens in your own country, then the rest of the world.”

Stewart says that sounds pagan.

Vance says loving your family, friends, and people of your own country first is just “common sense.”

Stewart says that’s a “bizarre” statement.

And Vance says Stewart “has a low IQ.”

(Time for someone to say, “So’s your mama.”)

Stewart, of course, is right. What Vance says is pagan.

It’s doing what comes naturally.

But it’s not the Gospel.

It’s not what Jesus taught. He says in Matthew 5:46 that if you love those who love you, you get no reward.

Why should you?

Jesus said, “Even the Gentiles (the pagans) do that.”

Jesus tells us to love people who do not love us just as we love those who do.

Jesus calls us to love all people everywhere.

That must include gay people, trans people, and immigrants.

I won’t comment on Mr. Vance’s IQ. I suspect it is pretty high.

But he doesn’t know how to love.

Listen—our Discovering God classes start with NDEs, beginning Wed., March 12, at 6:30 PM.

Drop me an email if you are interested.

Max’s Corner

The Big Birthday

Nineteen St. Matthew people gathered at the care facility for Keith Butterfield’s 98th birthday celebration. And Keith was better—able to respond to others and enjoy his cake. We give thanks.

Discovering God Class

Last week, we hit the most challenging section of the book. I will continue this week discussing why science and religion are simply two roads to the same reality.

We will look at three more very strange experiences, including that of a man who saw what would have happened if he had died—something like George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life.

At 9:45 AM. Join any time. Breakfast after.

Breakfast This Sunday

This Sunday, Joe and Jo Christian Adams will be doing the breakfast. (We thank them muchly.) Feel free to help.

Come—10:30 AM—eat!

I Get the Stronger Shots—

—in my knees—this Friday. So, Sunday, you can watch me run down the aisle.

Don’t I wish.

This Sunday

Sermon: Life is Difficult—but Grace Is Sufficient.

I’m loving talking about Paul. Last week, we saw the rough stuff he went through. This week, we find out how he made it.

Last week, Blake sang. I loved the way he built and built the drama—and the volume.

This week, the choir sings Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. (Yes, the choir is back after break!)

We had just one short of 70 last week—69.

This week, let’s see if we can hit that 70 mark.

📢 On any Sunday before Easter that we hit 70, we will close with Victory in Jesus.

God Bless,


P.S. — The Rev. Beverly Tye will preach a week from this Sunday—February 16.

Then Mary on the 23rd. Then me on March 2, Transfiguration Sunday.

Ash Wednesday is March 5. We will have a sandwich supper at 6:00 PM before the Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 PM.

Friday’s Word: Focus on God

Corruption like we have never seen.

Disregard for the most vulnerable.

Blatant dishonesty. Cascades of lies.

The most unqualified in the highest places.

Homes broken. Lives damaged.

How do we make it through the coming years?

I have struggled with this question. And I know there is nothing I can do to change our situation. Seriously, how do we live?

I have found my answer. I will center my life on God’s work as never before.

I am powerless to stop the carnage, but I do not have to keep my life focused on it. I will focus on what I can do. I will do the work God has given me.

I will pour my heart into my sermons and speak Gospel truth. I will encourage as many people as I can reach with the message of Christ. I will finish the book I have been working on for 20 years, Discovering God.

You, too, may want to shift your focus—away from what evil is doing and toward what God can do.

We cannot stop the lies, but we can stand for the truth. We have little power in the great big world, but we have great power in our little corner of the world.

Stand up. Stand firm. Do our best—and let God do the rest.

I will be starting a Thursday evening class on Discovering God on March 14 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. I need a minimum of 12 people to sign up. If you are interested, send me an email at

Worship is at 11:00 AM.

Max’s Corner

Take Note!

Choir practice resumes at 9:30 AM this Sunday. Just practice—performances will resume next week.

A Breakthrough

My Friday’s Word this week reflects a spiritual breakthrough. I don’t have to carry the burden of what will happen in our country and the world over the next few years. I only have to do my part—what God calls me to do.

The weight of it all had left me feeling immobilized. Now, I can move on. Thanks be to God.

Discovering God

Things are about to get a little crazy in class this week (and for the next few weeks). We’ll explore some truly unusual experiences that reveal the deep connection between religion and science.

We will discover that the world is far different than it appears—and that science will someday realize it cannot avoid God.

Class meets at 9:45 AM, followed by breakfast. This Sunday is a Winston Sunday—feel free to bring something to share.

Doctor’s Verdict

I’ll be getting stronger shots in my knees soon. In a couple of months, we’ll discuss knee replacement surgery.

This Sunday

Sermon: Life is Difficult. Paul’s life was full of hardships. This Sunday, we’ll take a closer look at just how difficult it was.

Mary had a powerful sermon for our present times last Sunday. Julian’s solo was moving. Julian also shaved his beard.

Blake still has his. Have we ever seen him without one? I don’t think so.

It will be 62 degrees and sunny on Sunday—come for the joy of it.

This is Communion Sunday. The All-Council meeting will be held after church.

God Bless,