Max’s Corner

Last Week’s Sermon

The sermon was a bit unusual—about the remarkable life of our church. I have heard it said that, according to the laws of aerodynamics, the bumblebee should not be able to fly. But it does. As an older church hidden within an older community, we should not still be here, but we are alive and well.

And, old as I am, I am probably still a necessary part of the St. Matthew mix. That is one reason I have not retired and the Conference has not put me out to pasture.

There’s another reason: Ministry is the center of my life. So, I will soon begin my 43rd year at St. Matthew.

“Discovering God” Class

It will resume on Sunday, Jan. 26—the last Sunday of the month—at 9:45, before worship.

Breakfast this Sunday

Just coffee, orange juice, and donuts. It will be cold. Grab a donut and head for worship by 11:00.

A New Church Directory

The Church Council agreed last week that we need a pictorial directory, and I will be calling the people who did our last one to set up a time to do the photography. Mary and I plan to be relentless in getting all of our people into the book.

This Sunday

I preach this Sunday, Mary the next. I will apply the “lied, mistaken, I believe” choices to a couple of stories from Paul. Yes, I believe these stories. But—if we do believe them—we need to show it in our lives. Sermon title: If We Believe It—Live It.

God Bless,

NOTE: Listen—there will be no ice or snow, but it may be below 30 degrees on Sunday. Bundle up and come on. But be careful. See you Sunday.

NOTE: We found the lid to the baptismal font. It was in the pulpit. The font is a wooden copy of a stone font from 1735 in a church in London.

Friday’s Word – It’s a New Year

Only 69% of Americans say they are Christian. Five percent are agnostic, 4% atheist, and 17% “nothing in particular.”

When belief was common, there was a lot of pressure to believe. Now, the pressure is off.

Truth is, many people simply don’t know what they believe and don’t trust the church to help them decide.

Have you decided what you believe?

Have you?

In the first articles of the new year, I will be pushing you to decide—beginning with a story I have told many times.

(Stick with me here.)

When I was 14, God spoke to me. (Do you believe that’s possible?)

I went to bed depressed and, it seems, a bit surly.

I prayed as I did every night, but then mumbled to myself, “Nobody heard me”—my first expression of doubt ever.

But my statement of doubt was followed by a response.

Immediately, a voice replied, “I heard you.”

The voice sounded in my head, but I looked around the room for the source.

Nobody there but me.

The voice was clear. I had no question about it. It shook me up at first. But then I felt the wonder of it.

I prayed. God answered.

In first person singular: “I heard you.”

But now, I want to know what you think. There are only three options. E-mail me with your choice.

You would say to me:

  1. You are lying.
  2. You are mistaken.
  3. I believe you.

Be honest. Respond right now. I will give the results next week.

Please know, if you choose number 3, the implications are huge.

Max’s Corner

Prayers for Our People

KEITH BUTTERFIELD, about to turn 98, is not doing as well as we would hope. He is in Parkwood Healthcare, close to HEB hospital. Several in the church have visited him. He can talk—and smile—but has trouble completing a sentence. He is quite weak.

“Living This Truth”

That’s my sermon Sunday. How do we live the truth we know? I am going to talk about some very important scripture this week, some words from Paul—and we will explore the three responses to it I mention in my Friday’s Word article. We will read Paul’s account and consider the only three possible responses:

  1. Paul is lying.
  2. Paul is mistaken.
  3. I believe Paul.

If we DO believe Paul—it should change the way we live.

“Discovering God” Classes

They will resume on Sunday, Jan. 26—last Sunday of the month—at 9:45 every Sunday. Later in February, we will begin a Thursday evening class called Basic Christianity at 6:30 every Thursday.

Breakfast This Sunday

This time together is important. This is a “We-bring” Sunday. I will bring the pigs-in-blankets. You bring something, too.

Thursday Luncheon Postponed

NOTE NEW DATE – Jan. 16 – For everyone this time, not just the women—a special program on Alzheimer’s disease. Potluck lunch will be in the fellowship hall, followed by the program.

Church Leaders’ Meeting

The Administrative Board will meet after church this Sunday to see where we stand as we begin a new year and to approve the budget for 2025.

God Bless,

NOTE: It will be clear, sunny, and 35 degrees as we meet for worship this Sunday. Bundle up and come on. The heat is on and the fellowship is warm.

See you Sunday.

Friday’s Word – First Sunday of a New Year

Some time back I asked you to let me know you were still reading this little box each Friday.

It’s an expensive project. I don’t want to keep talking if no one is there.

I got a big response—too many e-mails to answer, but I read them all. We have signed the contract with the Star-Telegram for 2025.

Thanks for your support.

The church in America is in trouble. It is time for honesty. The lies Christians tell turn thinking people away from faith.

The biggest lie is that the Bible is infallible. It isn’t. And anyone who can read knows this.

The value of the Bible is not in its perfection. The value is in the truth of its message. And the Bible is not all equally true.

Let’s stop pretending that the Book of Revelation has anything to do with Jesus. It doesn’t.

It is a book filled with blood and vengeance. It undermines Jesus at every turn. Preachers need to stop piously defending this vengeful work in defense of “the canon.”

“Oh, it’s in the canon. We must be true to the canon!”

No! It is time to be true to the teachings of Jesus—the unique teachings of Jesus.

And it is time for preachers to proclaim that uniqueness. I was in theology school for years. Not one of my teachers mentioned the uniqueness of the message of Jesus.

Jesus was the first person in all the world to tell us to love our enemies because God loves his enemies.

Jesus was the first person ever to get God right.

And you are in for another year of me pushing a God of unconditional love for all people.

Happy New Year!

Max’s Corner

Prayers for Our People

KEITH BUTTERFIELD, about to turn 98, was not answering his door. Doug Kelcey called for a wellness check, and Keith was discovered in poor condition and rushed to the hospital. He remains seriously ill. We ask the Lord’s help in getting Keith through this.

MAC SALFEN continues his treatments and is continually on our hearts and in our prayers.

ED HJORTH continues his recovery after hip surgery. He hopes to graduate from his wheelchair to his walker soon. Ed, our love is with you and Carol.

CAROLYN BELL is a bit short on energy but doing well for 93. She sends her love.

Our Christmas Season

We had some joyful services, all well attended. (We had 100 on Christmas Eve.) Thanks to Blake and our extraordinary musicians for glorious music.

Forty-three Years

On January 19, I will complete my 43rd year as pastor of St. Matthew. No need to take any special notice. But when I hit the 45 mark, we can have a shindig. Just don’t expect me to dance.

This is the richest time of my ministry. My greatest blessing is that I have been allowed to continue well past the mandatory retirement age of 72.

I am determined that my book be published before the end of 2025. I will be working hard on it.

We will resume the Discovering God class on January 19—10:45 every Sunday.

Mary Preaches Sunday

Mary’s ordination will come this year. This will require a MONTH of celebration. She will preach for us again this Sunday.

And by the way, until January 6, it is still the Christmas Season. Sunday is Day 12. Get out of the way of those 12 drummers drumming.

God Bless—MB