Friday’s Word

I have no words of comfort concerning the next four years. The winners are dangerous.

I remember the title of a book about women being complicit in their troubles in an abusive marriage: The Bed Was on Fire When I Got in It.

Over 50% of Americans have taken all of us into the fire. They could see it. Yet they chose it.

And most of those Americans are Christian. Conservative Christian.

That’s the important distinction. Conservative Christianity, with its angry, vengeful God, is a different religion from the one I preach.

And it’s different from what Jesus taught.

Jesus rejected vengeance of any kind.

Conservative Christians have now put a man of vengeance in the highest office in the land.

Something is wrong with the conservative church. And always has been.
Because their primary commitment is to the Bible with its many different images of God.

And the only image that counts is the image we have in Jesus Christ: a God of unconditional love for all humanity.

Now, people we love are in danger: women, gay people, immigrants, the poor, all minorities.

Education is in danger.

Freedom of speech is in danger. Our national security is in danger.

But I do have a word of comfort after all: God is not dead. And neither are you and I.

It’s not over. It’s never over. But some of you have a witness you are not using.

Help build that part of the church which stands with Jesus Christ.

And do it now.

Start this Sunday.

Max’s Corner

Saturday’s Concert

THIS Saturday—at 6:00 p.m.

Sandwich supper afterward.

Some of you will need to help with sandwiches or actually anything that would go with sandwiches—beans, potato salad, whatever. (We have chips.)

It’s been a hard season lately. Let’s have some fun. Mel Creason, Blake, Shannon, and Julian will all be singing. We will take an offering to help with our budget.

Let’s gather—Saturday at 6:00.

The Class—Discovering God

We truly are learning things we have not known. And the class gives us time to look carefully at what God is saying to us through experience. We have had some quite remarkable sessions.

You are welcome at any time.

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

This is a “Winston” Sunday. Expect a really good meal. You are also free to bring food.

Food and fellowship at 10:30, followed by worship.

This Sunday

The sermon Sunday: Trust God.

I hope Blake is feeling better. Our choir may (or may not) be singing Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. And hear this, choir: Blake wants to begin rehearsal this week at 9:00 to make up some lost time.

God Bless,

P.S.—Got a nice e-mail from the president of Brite Divinity School in response to a recent Friday’s Word. I will share it with you Sunday.

And remember our big Thanksgiving service and dinner on Sunday, Nov. 24—a week from this Sunday.

Election Over

The election is over, but I am writing this on Monday, so I have no idea who won.

So—this is not Friday’s Word.

I have to get the church newsletter to Jason on Monday and will wait until Wednesday to post Friday’s Word with the Star Telegram.

I will share that post with our newsletter folk later.

Max’s Corner

Last Sunday

Quite a good day. It was actually a “Mary Picnic”—and not a picnic at all, but a nice lunch after worship. I preached on joy, and we had a great time singing “Peace Like a River.” Johnny and Judy said they thought we might break out into revival.

And we gathered at the Lord’s Table.
And, oh!—it rained.
As Jesus said, it fell on the just and the unjust.
We Methodists are, of course, the just.

The Class—Discovering God

We are having quite a remarkable time. It is different from any study I have ever done of religious experiences. It is actually opening new doors for me—and it is changing the opening chapters of my book, Discovering God. We are discovering the extent to which God communicates with us and the ways in which God does that.

You are welcome at any time.
Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

This is a “We-bring” Sunday. If we do not bring—no breakfast. I will bring my usual—those pigs in blankets. Food and fellowship at 10:30, followed by worship.

This Sunday

Mary preaches.
Blake is back. Our choir will sing.


Two things: A week from this Saturday—Nov. 16 at 6:00—we will have a concert. It is a “Creason Production”—as in Mel and Barb. It will feature Mel, Blake, Shannon, and Julian. Sandwich and chips supper after. Yes—we will need sandwiches and chips.

Thing Two: we have moved the Thanksgiving Dinner back to Thanksgiving Sunday—Nov. 24. Let’s gather. Let’s rejoice.

See you this Sunday.
God Bless,

Our love to Ronnie Sullivan and family. Her brother’s memorial will be Saturday at the church. Check “Mary’s Room” for the time.

Lord, Save Us

It’s on our minds—here, four days before.
The great Carl Jung, noted psychiatrist, said that, in a crisis, we could depend on only 40 percent of the population to act rationally.
We know already that 46 percent of Americans will not act rationally. They support someone who is clearly racist, vengeful, and cruel.
They have made a firm commitment to values that are nowhere close to Christian.

I used to think we were getting better. I thought people had become less racist, less ugly to the neighbor.
Now, I don’t know.
We may be worse.

There was a time when anyone who admired Hitler would not be considered for any job.
Now, 46 percent of our people don’t seem to care.
And here’s the sad thing:
Most of those people go by the name Christian.

That would suggest to us that something is seriously wrong in the church.
Not in all churches—but in many churches, even in whole denominations.

We need an explanation.
We need to figure out why so many Christians are so accepting of racism, vengeance, and cruelty.
And I do think I know. God, in the Old Testament, is often pictured as racist, vengeful, and cruel.

And for the biblical inerrantists, all scripture is equal. They feel free to choose that vengeful image of God over the God of grace we have in Jesus.
The Gospel has no priority at all with many Christians.
They think God hated the Amalekites, so they can hate immigrants.

Lord, save us.