Kids’ News – Tabitha: The Woman Who Came Back to Life

This Sunday, we met Tabitha, a woman known for her kindness and generosity. She had a ministry of sewing clothes for others, using her skills to serve her community. But one day, Tabitha became very ill and passed away.

The disciples in Joppa had heard of Peter’s reputation as a healer, so they sent two people to a nearby town to ask for his help. When Peter arrived, he saw how much the community loved Tabitha—many people were mourning her loss. He sent everyone out of the room, knelt, and prayed. Then he turned to Tabitha and said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, saw Peter, and got up! The news of her healing spread quickly throughout Joppa.

What We Learned

Through faith and community, Tabitha was healed. Her life reminds us that kindness is powerful and that serving others is a way to show God’s love.

When we work together to help those in need, we fulfill the role God has given us in His greater plan.

How can we share kindness and serve others like Tabitha did? Think about it, and we’ll discuss your answers this Sunday in church!

See you then!

Kids’ News – “The Widow’s Gift”

The temple was busy that day. People were coming and going, placing their offerings into the large collection box. Some of the wealthiest men stepped forward, making sure everyone could see them as they dropped in large amounts of money. Their fine robes shimmered in the sunlight as they stood tall, proud of their gifts.

Then, a woman stepped forward. She wasn’t dressed in fancy clothes, and no one paid much attention to her. She was a widow, and she had very little to give. Carefully, she reached into her pocket and pulled out two tiny coins—all she had left. Without hesitation, she dropped them into the offering box and quietly walked away.

Jesus had been watching. Turning to His disciples, He said, “This poor widow has given more than all the others. They gave from their extra money, but she, in her poverty, gave everything she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)

Jesus wasn’t focused on how much she gave—He saw her heart. Worshiping God isn’t just about money. We can give our time, our kindness, our talents, and our love. When we give from the heart, even the smallest gift becomes something great.

What We Learned

God cares more about how we give than what we give. Even the smallest gift, when given with love, matters to Him. We can worship God not just with money, but by sharing our time, talents, kindness, and faith with others.

See you in church on Sunday!

Kids’ News

Last week, we learned about a time when Jesus visited the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary.

When Jesus arrived, Martha welcomed Him as a guest and got busy preparing everything. Hospitality was important in biblical times, and she wanted everything to be just right. But her sister Mary did something unexpected—she sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to His teaching instead of helping.

Martha became frustrated and asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her. But Jesus gently told Martha, “Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her” (Luke 10:42).

What We Learned

This story reminds us that sometimes what is expected and what is truly important are not the same. Martha was busy doing good things, but Mary chose the best thing—spending time with Jesus.

How do you spend time with Jesus? Do you read the Bible, pray, or sing songs about Him? This week, let’s remember to take time to listen to Jesus and grow closer to Him.

Hope to see you in church on Sunday!

Kids’ News – Peter’s Great Escape!

King Herod was not a good man. He wanted to stop the followers of Jesus, so he ordered the death of James, the brother of John. When he saw that this made the people happy, he arrested Peter too.

Peter was put in a prison with chains on his hands, surrounded by two guards and even more soldiers outside. Herod planned to put him on trial after the Passover feast. But God had other plans!

That night, as Peter slept in his cell, something amazing happened—a bright light filled the room, and an angel appeared. The angel nudged Peter awake and said, “Get up quickly!” Right away, the chains fell off his hands.

The angel told Peter to get dressed and follow him. As they walked, no one stopped them—even though they passed two sets of guards! Then they reached a big iron gate leading out to the city. And guess what? It opened all by itself!

Once Peter was safely outside, the angel disappeared. That’s when Peter realized—this wasn’t a dream! God had really rescued him!

Peter hurried to Mary’s house, where his friends were praying for his safety. He knocked on the door, and a girl named Rhoda answered. She was so shocked to hear Peter’s voice that she ran to tell the others—but forgot to open the door!

At first, no one believed her. They thought she was imagining things. But Peter kept knocking, and when they finally opened the door, they were amazed!

Peter told them how God had saved him and then he left for a safe place.

What We Learned

This story reminds us that God hears our prayers—even when we don’t see answers right away. Just like Peter’s friends prayed for him, we can pray for others too!

How do you like to pray? Do you pray before bed? Before meals? Do you pray when you’re scared? This week, let’s remember that Jesus is always with us, and we can talk to Him anytime!

Hope to see you in church Sunday!


Kids’ News

This Sunday, we reviewed Matthew 17:5, where God spoke during Jesus’ baptism: “This is my Son whom I dearly love. I am very pleased with him.” These words remind us of Jesus’ divine purpose on earth as He began His ministry leading to the cross. Moments like this help us understand the significance of the Resurrection when Easter arrives.

With Ian getting baptized, many of our other children have expressed interest in baptism as well. Miss Vicky has purchased lessons on baptism from the Christian bookstore to guide them. If your child is interested in learning about baptism, please bring them to church, and they will be included in our Children’s Church. What a wonderful day it will be when our young ones take this important step in their faith!

A quick reminder: it’s almost time to start collecting eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt! If you’d like to help, let us know. We usually fill lots of eggs with goodies and would appreciate your support. See you in church on Sunday—blessings to all!