Kids’ Update

We were extremely happy to have a wonderful group of kids with us Sunday. We have been learning different names that refer to God.

We read Revelation 22:1-13. This passage reminds us of the character of God, as we learn about the names of God. As we learn about the names, this story helps us know God is more than a being in the sky. God formed us from His very breath. This week, the lesson is about God’s names: Alpha and Omega or beginning and end. As we learn the many names for God may we also learn the truth about God’s never-ending presence. There are times when we feel closer to God. Regardless of how we feel or what we do, God’s presence never changes.

Hope we see you in church Sunday.

Blessings, Miss Vickie, Miss Angelia, Mr. Jason and Miss Sue

Kids’ Update

Sunday was Father’s Day, and we discussed the different names Jesus called His father. We talked about the Great “I Am”, “The Good Shepherd”, and this week “Abba, Father”. Jesus knew the time of Hs death was near, so He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He took with Him Peter, James and John. When they reached the garden, He asked them to tarry there and watch. Jesus went further into the garden and fell on the ground and prayed. After He prayed, He returned to them and found them sleeping. He asked them could they not stay awake for one hour. Again Jesus went away to pray. And when He returned, He found them asleep again. As He prays, Jesus goes to God with his fears.

Just as Jesus goes to God with His fears and doubts, we can explore what it means for God to be like a loving parent. Or guardian or a trustworthy adult we can go to in times of need. Just as Jesus turned his troubles over to God, we can too

We celebrated Father’s Day making cards and having Blue Bell ice cream! I know Dad felt the love when he received his cards! Hope we see you in church Sunday to learn more about our father. Have a wonderful week!

Blessings, Miss Vickie, Miss Angelia, Mr. Jason and Miss Sue