Kids’ News

After God led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, but before they reached the Promised Land, they spent forty years wandering in the wilderness. During that time, God’s people had to trust in Him and follow His directions. One specific instruction from God was to build the Tabernacle—a structure that symbolized a permanent temple but was designed to be mobile.

The construction of the Tabernacle was a monumental task, but it was accomplished as a community. The Israelites gave so generously toward the project that Moses eventually had to ask them to stop giving! Their combined efforts demonstrated the incredible things that can be achieved when people work together.

As God’s house, the Tabernacle became a sacred place where the people of God could come together and encounter Him. Today, the church continues this tradition as a place of Christian community and a reminder of our ongoing connection to God.

This week, we learned about the fabrics, colors, and lengths of the Tabernacle’s curtains. Join us in the church to discover more about the gold that covered the Ark of the Covenant. See you Sunday!

Kids’ News

This week’s Bible story picks up just after the Israelites leave captivity in Egypt. These people had endured difficult times as slaves, but now they were on a journey toward freedom. Although God didn’t lead them on the most direct path, it was a path of protection, showing His continued care for His people.

Do you remember how God guided them? By day, He used a cloud, and by night, lightning lit their way. The Israelites traveled together, seeking safety and a new land, with God by their side every step of the way.

Here’s a fun fact: Did you know that Joseph asked Moses to carry his bones out of Egypt? He wanted to rest in the Promised Land! There’s so much more to learn about this incredible journey. Don’t miss out—see you Sunday for our next lesson!

On a joyful note, Noah made a card for Keith, and we delivered it on Sunday afternoon. Although Keith is very weak, the card brought a big smile to his face.


Kids’ News

We were so happy to see all our kids in church this week! Our lesson focused on courage and the amazing story of the shepherds who were the first to hear the good news of Jesus’ birth.

The shepherds lived humble and challenging lives, spending most of their time outside caring for their sheep and protecting them from wild animals and thieves. One night, as they were watching over their flocks, an angel of the Lord appeared to them with an incredible message: “Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

God chose these ordinary shepherds to hear the extraordinary news, showing that Jesus came for everyone, not just the rich or powerful. The shepherds had the courage to leave their sheep and share what they had seen and heard, spreading the message of Jesus’ birth to others.

This week, we learned that we too can have courage like the shepherds—to share God’s love and good news, no matter our circumstances.

Join us next Sunday as we explore stories of people who seek God.


Kids’ News

The Sunday before Christmas, our children brought the Christmas story to life in a memorable performance. Caesar (Alek) declared that all the world would be taxed, while Joseph (Eli) and Mary (Rebekah) traveled to Bethlehem for the birth of Baby Jesus. Our Angel (Jade) announced this joyful news, and our shepherd (Remmie) came to see the newborn king. Narrator Josiah guided us through the story with grace and concluded by playing the guitar as Rebekah sang “Away in a Manger.” The children wrapped up by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

A heartfelt thank-you to the parents and grandparents for bringing these talented kids to church and supporting them in sharing their gifts with us. We are so proud of each of them.


Kids’ News

Before today’s part of the story, an angel told Mary she would give birth to God’s Son. Mary also learned that her cousin Elizabeth was expecting a baby. Excited to share this news, Mary went to visit Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby leaped for joy inside her. Elizabeth said, “Why am I so blessed that the mother of my Lord would visit me?” She knew this was a sign that both of their children were special gifts from God.

Mary and Elizabeth encouraged each other as they prepared for their lives to change. Just like them, we can support one another and share God’s joy.

As we prepare for Christmas, remember that it’s not just about presents. It’s about celebrating Jesus, the greatest gift from God.