God Hears Us
Elaine had been a member of a church youth group I worked with. I had not heard from her in 18 years. Then I got her letter.
She said she felt “compelled” by God to share her experience with me. Here’s a brief excerpt.
I wanted a closer walk with God. I prayed every day for that. And one day, driving home from church, I demanded to know why I was unworthy to know Him better.
And God came, very literally, right into my car. I was suddenly viewing specific moments of my life replayed in my mind with every tiny detail.
God replayed all my prayers of recent weeks, word for word. I was hearing them and knowing them instantly.
Then I saw and felt this overwhelming light, the most amazing light I had ever seen—a mixture of amber and rose and gold.
And it was alive. I felt an awesome power and love.
God let Elaine know her prayers were heard.
All of them.
Elaine called—and God responded.
God is accessible.
God is forthcoming.
I have known this since my own prayer experience at fourteen. I prayed and received an audible reply.
I said to myself after my prayer, “Nobody heard me.” A voice replied clearly, “I heard you.”
No, prayer does not work this way most of the time. But these events tell us that all prayers are heard.
And God will always respond in some way.
These events also tell us that God is real, God is personal, and God cares about us.
How often have I said this to you? God is an experienced reality.
A recommendation:
Worship somewhere this Sunday. For the joy of it.
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