Mary’s Corner

Greetings to all,

The Women’s Luncheon on Thursday and the speaker from the Alzheimer’s Association have been rescheduled to Thursday, January 16th at 11:30 AM.
Still a potluck! Still open to everyone.

I pray this newsletter finds you warm and well. By the time you read this, we may or may not be surrounded by snow and ice. Our friends at Under the Bridge Ministries have an urgent need for coats, blankets, sleeping bags, hand warmers, and other cold-weather essentials. They’ve shared that shelters are often filled with women and children, leaving many men outside in the freezing cold.

If you’d like to purchase one, Walmart offers reasonably priced Arctic sleeping bags. I’m happy to deliver any items brought to the church. If ordering and shipping directly to me is easier, just text or speak with me for the address. This cold weather is expected to last a while, and anything you can contribute will be deeply appreciated.

My prayer for you this week is that you have an intense and undeniable experience with God. May God’s presence fill your quiet moments, especially if the weather keeps you indoors. If your schedule feels too full for quiet time, I urge you to carve out a few moments just for God.

This week’s sermon reminded us to be kind to one another, to live humbly, and to remain open to the needs of others, along with tending to our own. I encourage you to pray for guidance on what it looks like to live as God’s beloved children—growing in love and knowledge of God.

On Sunday, I mentioned the opportunity to start Wesleyan classes, but no one reached out to express interest. I pray that was simply due to timing. Please consider if God is calling you to be a leader or participant in a small group. Imagine the joy of welcoming a visitor to Saint Matthew and inviting them to join a small group in their neighborhood. What a blessing that could be to someone feeling isolated! Let’s pray together for God’s guidance for our church family.

Special prayer requests:

  • Keith Butterfield
  • Brian McCosky’s brother, Bill McCosky
  • Our friends without access to warm, dry shelter
  • Our neighbors living without adequate resources or services

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

I invite you to join me in prayer every day at 3 PM. I set an alarm on my phone as a reminder to pause and pray.

Finally, this Sunday, immediately after church, the Admin Board and all committees will meet in the fellowship hall. If you’re not currently on a committee, please consider joining one.

Love and blessings to all,

Kids’ News

We were so happy to see all our kids in church this week! Our lesson focused on courage and the amazing story of the shepherds who were the first to hear the good news of Jesus’ birth.

The shepherds lived humble and challenging lives, spending most of their time outside caring for their sheep and protecting them from wild animals and thieves. One night, as they were watching over their flocks, an angel of the Lord appeared to them with an incredible message: “Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

God chose these ordinary shepherds to hear the extraordinary news, showing that Jesus came for everyone, not just the rich or powerful. The shepherds had the courage to leave their sheep and share what they had seen and heard, spreading the message of Jesus’ birth to others.

This week, we learned that we too can have courage like the shepherds—to share God’s love and good news, no matter our circumstances.

Join us next Sunday as we explore stories of people who seek God.


Max’s Corner

Prayers for Our People

KEITH BUTTERFIELD, about to turn 98, was not answering his door. Doug Kelcey called for a wellness check, and Keith was discovered in poor condition and rushed to the hospital. He remains seriously ill. We ask the Lord’s help in getting Keith through this.

MAC SALFEN continues his treatments and is continually on our hearts and in our prayers.

ED HJORTH continues his recovery after hip surgery. He hopes to graduate from his wheelchair to his walker soon. Ed, our love is with you and Carol.

CAROLYN BELL is a bit short on energy but doing well for 93. She sends her love.

Our Christmas Season

We had some joyful services, all well attended. (We had 100 on Christmas Eve.) Thanks to Blake and our extraordinary musicians for glorious music.

Forty-three Years

On January 19, I will complete my 43rd year as pastor of St. Matthew. No need to take any special notice. But when I hit the 45 mark, we can have a shindig. Just don’t expect me to dance.

This is the richest time of my ministry. My greatest blessing is that I have been allowed to continue well past the mandatory retirement age of 72.

I am determined that my book be published before the end of 2025. I will be working hard on it.

We will resume the Discovering God class on January 19—10:45 every Sunday.

Mary Preaches Sunday

Mary’s ordination will come this year. This will require a MONTH of celebration. She will preach for us again this Sunday.

And by the way, until January 6, it is still the Christmas Season. Sunday is Day 12. Get out of the way of those 12 drummers drumming.

God Bless—MB

Mary’s Corner

I bring you good tidings of great joy! A Savior is born and remains with us. It has been difficult to look around and find joy very often this past year. Most of you will be reading this on January 1, 2025—the beginning of a new year and our hope that 2025 will be better. As I said on Sunday, the calendar is completely oblivious to our trauma and grief. The calendar has no idea what makes us happy or sad. We are what changes. We are where hope can be found! So yes, January 1 is the beginning of a new calendar, but we get to have new hope every day. God’s mercy is new every morning. My prayer is to be better in 2025. My prayer is to be more because people will need more. My prayer is to love more because love is in a battle against hate in our world, and I want love always to win.

I visited Keith Butterfield tonight in the hospital. His son Bruce was with him and has been all day. Keith missed church Sunday morning, and several of you asked about him. Doug Kelcey sent a friend on Sunday to check on Keith, thankfully, because Keith was very ill and needed transport to the hospital. Keith is at Texas Health HEB Hospital. The address is 1600 Hospital Parkway, Bedford, Texas 76022. Call before you drive over to make sure he is still there: 817-848-4000. You can get his room number from the hospital operator. Keith is very weak, and not able to eat or drink much. He was not completely sure what his diagnosis is, so please wear a mask when you visit him. And if you cannot visit, I know your prayers are greatly appreciated by Keith and his family. Let’s keep each other updated on his progress.

Keith is part of our church “home.” He welcomes visitors and tries to meet everyone he can. Keith’s love is unconditional for everyone, and his support is unwavering. Keith is often parked at the sink after a family meal washing dishes as part of the clean-up crew. We are blessed beyond measure that Keith is part of our church family. We are blessed beyond measure to have each other. Thank you for being my church home, the place where I bring my joy and my pain, the place where I can hang my heart. Let’s make 2025 a year of joy!!


Kids’ News

The Sunday before Christmas, our children brought the Christmas story to life in a memorable performance. Caesar (Alek) declared that all the world would be taxed, while Joseph (Eli) and Mary (Rebekah) traveled to Bethlehem for the birth of Baby Jesus. Our Angel (Jade) announced this joyful news, and our shepherd (Remmie) came to see the newborn king. Narrator Josiah guided us through the story with grace and concluded by playing the guitar as Rebekah sang “Away in a Manger.” The children wrapped up by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

A heartfelt thank-you to the parents and grandparents for bringing these talented kids to church and supporting them in sharing their gifts with us. We are so proud of each of them.
