Estate Planning

Leave a Lasting Legacy with St. Matthew United Methodist Church

At St. Matthew United Methodist Church, we are committed to faith, service, and
community. As you reflect on the legacy you wish to leave, we invite you to consider
including St. Matthew in your estate planning. Your generous support would help
ensure that our church can continue its mission for years to come.

Faith and Continuity

By including St. Matthew in your estate plan, you help us to continue to preach the
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the saving grace of God the Father to all.

Enhancing Worship and Facilities

Contributions will help maintain and improve our worship space and facilities. This
ensures that our church remains a welcoming and inspiring place for all who seek
solace and spiritual guidance.

Promoting Community Service

St. Matthew is committed to serving our local community through various initiatives,
including support for Eastside Community Services, exercise classes, vaccination
clinics, and assisting families in need. Your gift will help us to continue and expand
these services.

How to Include St. Matthew United Methodist Church in Your Estate Planning


Designate St. Matthew as a beneficiary in your will or living trust. This can be a
specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or a residual gift after other bequests
are fulfilled.

Retirement Accounts and Life Insurance

Naming St. Matthew as a beneficiary of your retirement account, IRA, or life
insurance policy is a simple yet powerful way to support our mission.

Charitable Remainder Trusts and Annuities

These options provide you with income during your lifetime, with the remainder
going to St. Matthew. This can offer significant tax benefits while ensuring a future
gift to the church.


Establishing an endowment in your name or in honor of a loved one creates a lasting
legacy, providing perpetual support for the church’s needs.

Next Steps

We understand that estate planning is a deeply personal process, and encourage
you to consult with your financial advisor or estate planning attorney to discuss the
best options for your situation.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.