What Will Sunday Be Like? I Have No Idea!

   This is it. That “Meet ‘N’ Talk event at my church is this Sunday. May 7 at 10:00 a.m. We’ll have 50 minutes. This is for folks who might enjoy sitting down with me for a short time to talk about faith.
   Where did you start? Where are you now?
   Has your faith changed over the years, and, if so, why?
   I’ll also let folks say whether they go to church. If so, why? If not, why?
   And you can ask me any question you want to.
   We’ll just talk. All who come will get a copy of my book, God, Grace, and Gooseberry.
   And I will give you a copy of the last chapter of Discovering God, my not-yet-published book.
   That last chapter gives an account of the most powerful religious event of my life. A miracle, I guess.
   You may find it hard to believe. But if what I say happened did happen, I think we must accept the whole of the Gospel story.
   We won’t talk about that experience because you won’t read it until you get back home.
   Here’s the exciting part: We’ll have donuts.
   And for those who stay for worship, there will be a church dinner afterwards.
   By the way, this is not an effort to get new members. It is just what I say it is—a chance to meet some of the folks who read Friday’s Word.
   If this is a meaningful event, we may do it again in the fall.
   Drop me an e-mail if you plan to come. I want to have your packet ready for you. And enough donuts!
   That’s this Sunday. May 7—10:00 a.m.
   And I’ll tell you now, I’m older than my picture.