We Took a Hit

   We just took a financial hit that was entirely unexpected. A problem with our sewage system caused the two pumps for our two buildings to burn out—dumping the sewage outside the kitchen door.
   We are replacing them to the tune of $16,000. Our property is below the level of the city sewage line in the street so we must have pumps to move the waste uphill. The good news is we are getting better pumps. Also, it is unlikely to happen again. The bad news is the bill.
   We are not in trouble financially.
   We even have a substantial rainy-day fund stuck back. But we do not want to touch it.
   This is not a rainy day.
   But we do want to put a moratorium on any extra spending right now. (At the same time we will not scrimp on what we do need for choir, our children, and worship.)
   So, on Mother’s Day I paid for the flowers—something the church usually does. And I will pay the $700.00 cost to go to Waco (hotel, gas and food) for the three-day Annual Conference in early June. The church usually pays this, but I am paying my way this year.
   I will be doing all that I can to (1) make sure we have the money we need for the usual operations of our church, and (2) work to avoid extra spending.
   Let me remind you: We are not in trouble.
   We are doing fine—and we want to keep it that way. Your love and faithfulness will help us move on in the Lord’s work—and keep the sewage out of our back yard.
   Can I get a witness here?

White, Red, then Green

   Our white paraments will be put away after this Sunday, May 21, the last Sunday in the Easter Season.
   Mary will be preaching–Part 2 of her really wonderful sermon which she began last week.
   The next Sunday, May 28, we go red for Pente cost—the “Birthday of the Church.” It’s a big day. So, help make it a big. Be sure you are present to celebrate.
   And after Pentecost, we go green for what is called “Ordinary Time.” It lasts all the way to Advent—four weeks before Christmas.

Last Week

   You may have noticed I was not present last Sunday. My sister had a bad reaction to an antibiotic and we spent much of Saturday night in emergency.
   So glad Mary was scheduled to preach!
   I watched online. (What a good job Jason and whoever was helping “up in the booth” do with our livestream!)
   I counted five in our choir last Sunday–a mere quartet.
   Such lovely sound from so few! (We usually have two or three more.) The choir will sing one more time—this Sunday—before summer break.
   Which means Blake and Shannon will have to figure out something big for Pentecost Sunday.
   Of course, everything they do is big.

Teaching Returns

   In July, we resume classes on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. We will have some guest teachers from outside the church. My sister and I will both do a series of lessons. I’m sure Mary will teach a series.
   We will have a lively summer.

Annual Conference

   On Sunday, June 4, after church, I will head for Annual Conference in Waco. (I haven’t checked with Mary to see if her work schedule will allow her to attend.) Our bishop says we have now lost 118 churches out of 254—about 47%. That’s churches, not people. Annual Conference, made up of pastors and lay delegates from all Central Texas Conference churches, will be smaller this year. But we are heading for a more inclusive—and less sinful church.
   Let us witness to the world in this fateful hour: Excluding people for their sexual orientation is sin.
   I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.