Kids’ News

We were blessed with a wonderful group of young people Sunday. We talked about the Sermon on the Mount as a place where Jesus taught his disciples.

We talked at length about the Lord’s Prayer. The kids all knew it and we talked about how young they were when they learned this prayer. A couple of the boys said they started repeating this prayer when they were about 2! They all knew that this prayer contains elements Jesus considered important when praying: asking God for guidance in our lives, forgiveness, praise, and thanks.

Did you know that the Lord’s Prayer is prayed all over the world and in many languages? It is a famous prayer that has been important to many Christians. This example was provided by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount as a way of teaching his disciples. However, the focus of Jesus’ teaching is not so much on a method of prayer as it is on our motivations for prayer and our relationship with God.

As we left church to go to Children’s church, we were delighted to learn that a kind member had left a basket of treats on our table! We were all delighted that someone was kind enough to leave these treats. I want to extend a big “Thank You” to this kind person. You should have witnessed the delight of the kids when they discovered your thoughtfulness!

During class, they all picked an 8×10 canvas picture to paint as a Valentine gift to give to the person of their choice. We are blessed with the kindness of your kids! See you Sunday.
