Friday’s Word

As Real as Gravity

A friend said a woman who worked with her had a strange story to tell.

I called the woman.

She and a friend were traveling around England in a hired car. At some point, a lorry (as the English call a truck) pulled out from a side street.

It was just, suddenly, there, right in front of them.

No chance to stop.

No chance, even, to hit the brakes.

But there was no impact.

Their car went right through the truck.

It went through.

One vehicle passed silently through the other.

In a flash, the women saw the inside of the truck.

They saw the red plaid shirt the driver wore.

They couldn’t take it in. Something that could not happen had just happened.

Shaken, confused, they continued their journey.

And it took some courage to even share this story with friends.


So, why am I sharing it with you?

Because I have six other accounts like it from all over the world.

And I am looking for more.

I want to talk to a few physicists. (Are there any reading this?)

Whether they believe the accounts or not, I want them to suggest what is happening.

Is this an example of quantum tunnelling?

(Look it up.)

Why am I interested?

First of all, if real, God did it.

Second, something like this, I believe, happened at the resurrection. The body of Jesus dematerialized.

The cloth covering the body fell through the body, leaving the image we now see on the Shroud of Turin.

The resurrection was a quantum event.

Also unbelievable.

But as real as gravity.