Max’s Corner

One More Year

Mary has been asked by the Ordination Board to wait one more year for her commissioning. I think they are afraid to do anything before getting beyond the vote at the upcoming General Conference. They know it will not make a difference in Mary’s ministry—which continues as it is. Which is, of course, a continual blessing to us.

After that vote, there may be no commissioning.

I would hope Mary would go straight to ordination and this long journey of preparation would be over for her. But she is as much “in ministry” now as she will ever be. We can all wait.

No Breakfast This Sunday

It is Winston’s birthday and he will be away celebrating. We do still need someone to take over breakfast preparation one Sunday a month. Winston can’t continue to do it every week.

This Sunday

Sermon: “The Cross Is an X-Ray”

We will open this Sunday with an old hymn that is fun to sing but which has some bad theology in it.

We will be talking about the Atonement.

How does the Cross of Christ save us?

If I asked you that question—how would you answer it?

Expect great music this Sunday.

Why? Because we always have great music.

Two Sundays Till Palm Sunday

And Palm Sunday dinner and then Holy Week. And then—you guessed it—Easter.

See you in worship.

God bless—MB