Mary’s Corner

Greetings St. Matthew!

What a glorious Easter service. If we could afford it, I would love to have a brass ensemble once a month. What a difference that sound makes and what a lifting of our spirits! I am still humming the choir anthem and Crown Him with Many Crowns.

The full house was a beautiful sight to see as well. It is always good to see so many children come to church to hunt for eggs and stay for the lesson. Thanks to everyone who helped with Holy Week this year. The food, services, and music were outstanding. It is a joy to serve you and a joy to serve WITH you. 

I am preaching next Sunday. I spoke on Maundy Thursday about the importance of reading past the grammatical separations in the text. You cannot stop reading at the end of John. The story of Jesus’ days on the Earth after resurrection begins in John 20 and continues all the way through the 1st chapter of Acts. My sermon text on Sunday will be from somewhere in those specific passages. I am elated to be in the service of a risen Christ. I pray that what I share with you this Sunday will draw you closer to our Lord. 

Keith Butterfield has asked me to let everyone know that even with the solar eclipse glasses that you can purchase online or pick up in any grocery store, the glasses all come with a warning not to look at the sun for extended periods. The glasses, Keith got from his son actually say damage can be caused if you stare at the sun during the eclipse for more than three minutes at a time. Be smart and be safe with your eyes. You don’t have another pair in your other pants. 

Anna continues to slowly improve. She sends her love and gratitude for your prayers, cards, and visits. We hope to have her home soon. We are a family because you have taken us into your hearts. I am eternally grateful to you. Mary